- The common regulations for all Masters Degrees in the University shall apply.
- The general regulations for all Masters Degrees in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences shall apply. In addition: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Education (Arts) Degree of at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or its equivalent in related disciplines from a recognized university.
- Those with Second Class (Lower Division) may be considered on condition that they have Grade “C” and above in units relevant to their areas of specialization.
Duration and Pattern of the Programme
The Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict programme shall extend over a period of at least eighteen (18) months based on a pattern of coursework, examination and thesis or coursework, examination and a project. Coursework and examination are undertaken during, the first year of study. For candidates taking projects, additional course work and examination in four (04) units will be undertaken during the first semester of their second year.A thesis will constitute eight (08) units while a project four (04) units respectively. Candidates writing a thesis are expected to do a total of eight (08) units plus one (01) offered at the School level while those writing a project do twelve (12) units plus one (01) at the School level during their coursework, respectively.In the first year, all students will take four (04) core units and four (04) electives as well as the School (MAA
500).In the second year students taking option ‘A’ (Course and project), will take four (04) units in the first semester two (02) of which will be core and two (02) electives. In the second semester they will carry out research and write a project equivalent to four (04) units).Students following option ‘B’ (Course work and thesis), will carry out their research, write and submit a thesis that is equivalent to eight (08) units.
Examination and Certification
The university examinations regulation governing masters degree shall apply. Students on the programme will be assessed through continuous assessment tests (CATS) or research papers and a written examination in each unit.Each unit will be marked out of 100 marks with the written examination and CATS constituting 70% and 30% respectively.The pass mark per unit will be
50%Students must pass all units before embarking on research work for the project or thesis.Each student must pass the project or thesis examination and then submit the corrected version before being presented for graduation.
Each unit shall be out of 100. The mark shall be translated into letter grade as follows:70
%-100%(A) 60%-69% (B), 50%-59%(C), 49 and below(Fail).
The degree that will be awarded is the Master of Arts (Peace and Conflict Studies). In order to qualify for the award of MA degree in Peace and Conflict Studies.a candidate must have taken all the registered units (Minimum 9 units for thesis and 13 for project.
Unit Codes and Titles
AMC 800: Research Methods in Social Sciences
APC 801: Peace and Conflict Studies + ADI 810: Global Conflicts
APC 803: International Legal Treaties and Protocols Relating to Migrations
Year 2 – Cores
APC 804: Ethics in Conflict Resolution
APC 805: Post-Conflict Reconstruction
APC 812: Women in Peace-Building and Reconciliation
APC 814: Research Project (4 units) (Compulsory for students taking ‘A” (course work and pro- ject) option
APC 815: Thesis (Compulsory for students taking ‘B’ (Course work and thesis) option
Year 2 Electives
APC 806: Military Interventions and Conflict Management
APC 807: Social and Economic Insecurity APC 808: Management in Conflict Situation APC 809: Peace and International Politics
APC 810: Initiatives in Peace-Building in Africa
APC 811: Humanitarian Intervention
APC 813: Children and Youth in Peace Building
APC 816: Arms Control and Proliferation