Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers

Conference Papers

  • Mwangi, S. (2005) Commercialization of Higher Education: A case for academic Programs in Kenyan Public and Private universities In Reinvigorating Higher Education in Africa, DAAD 2005
  • 2019: Participated in a conference organized by OXFAM and IPD (Institute of Peace and Development) in Kampala, Uganda on Transparency and Accountability in the Extractive Industries and presented a paper on the case of Uganda
  • 2019: Participated in a conference organized by Pau Institute of Petrol and Gas on Dissecting Challenges and Prospects in Extractive Industries and presented a paper on Gender and Free Prior Informed Consent in Kenya’s Extractives
  • 2019: participated in an conference on Enhancing Participation of Civil Society in Conflict Management in the Greater Horn of Africa organized by the Greater Horn Horizon Forum (GHHF) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 2019 Attended an international Conference organized by UNREC and European Union in Djibouti on Dealing with missile proliferation: one side of the non-proliferation and disarmament regime in the IGAD region
  • 2018 participated in an international Conference organized at Kenyatta University on 20 years of the ICC and presented a paper on Experiences and Lessons of Africans in the ICC 20 years after.
  • 2018: Participated in the Assembly of State Parties meeting at The Hague, Netherlands to present conclusions for an international conference on the need for strengthening regional and sub-regional justice mechanisms in Africa
  • 2017 participated in a an International Conference organized at Pau University France on Extractive Industries and presented a paper on The role of Social Licencing in Securing Rights of Locals in Extractive Industries
  • 2013 February; participated in an international conference in Gulu, Uganda on Governance and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Northern Uganda funded by the French Embassy in Uganda
  • September 2005: participated in an international conference organized by AAPS (African Association of Political Scientists) held in Cairo Egypt under the theme ‘Globalization, Sustainable development and Governance in Africa’ where I presented a paper titled NEPAD and Sustainable Peace and Development: Prospects and Challenges for Africa
  • 2004: Attended an International conference on African renewal, African Renaissance held and organized by AFSAAP( in the University of Western Australia, Perth and presented gave a talk on The Role of the AU in Managing Conflicts in Africa, November; 2004
  • 2004: Attended an international conference organized by AISA (African Institute of Southern Africa) on Global Governance and Terrorism and presented a paper on “Africa after 9/11: Lessons and Challenges” Ethiopia, December; 2004

Workshops Papers

  • 2016: Participated and gave a paper on ‘A comparative Analysis of the Refugee crisis in Africa and Europe, Lessons and Prospects’ at Pwani University, Kenya organized by the Technical University of Munchen, Germany.
  • 2014: participated and gave a paper on the Mau Mau Memory in a conference organized by IFRA at Kileleshwa, Nairobi on Fifty Years after Independence: The Nations in East Africa.
    Revisiting Nation-Building between Particularism and Universalism?
  • 2015 participated and edited a book on Kenya’s 2013 elections titled ‘Kenya’s past as Prologue, organized by the British Institute in East Africa, Nairobi and published by Twaweza Productions in conjunction with IFRA and Heinrich Boll Foundation
  • 2011 participated in a LAM/CEMAF/CRAJ/CEPED and IFRA project of ANR’ child victims and vulnerable children where I carried out research on orphans and vulnerable children in IDP camps in Kenya’s Rift Valley area. The result were disseminated in a conference held at Kampala Uganda November 19-21st ; 2012
  • 2010 February participated and gave a talk on ‘The Changing Nature of Security Provisioning in urban Africa: the Kenyan Case’ at Pau University, France
  • 2009 November gave a paper on ‘ Threat to Security in Kenya: Militias and the role of urban vigilantes’ at the university of Bordeaux, France
  • 2007 gave a talk on NEPAD: A new Development Paradigm for Ending Poverty in Africa Organized by UNECA, Ethiopia.
  • 2007 Jan- June undertook a survey for DPMF/UNECA on the impact of Gender Policies on the Progress of African Women from 1990 to 2007.which culminated into a publication
  • January 2006: participated in a Gender mainstreaming workshop organized by OSSREA (Organization for Social Science Research in South and Eastern Africa) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
  • June 2005: participated in DAAD (German Academic Exchange program) conference on Reinvigorating Higher Education in Africa where I presented a paper titled: Commercialization of Higher Education: A case for academic Programmes in Kenyan public and private universities.
  • April 2005: participated in a regional methodological workshop organized by CODESRIA under the theme: Fields and Theories of Qualitative Investigation held at Nairobi

Seminar Papers

  • 2013 November ; participated and gave a talk to a European Union Observation Mission 2013 on the political History of Kenya since Independence to the 2008 Post Election Violence
  • 2013 October attended and gave a paper on ‘The forgotten memory and heritage of Mau Mau in Kenya’ in a conference organized by the National Museums of Kenya and Karatina University in Kenya at Karatina University Nyeri, Kenya
  • 2012 April; presented a paper at a meeting organized by IFRA and the Catholic University of Eastern Africa on A glance at the Dynamics of Religious Mobility in Mungiki from 1990-2007
  • 2012 July: presented a paper at British Institute in Eastern Africa, Laikipia Road, Kileleshwa, on Culture, Religion and Memory
  • 2008 September presented a paper during the CODESRIA Alumni Programme held at the University of Marie Dguambi in Congo, Brazzaville and presented a paper on Vigilantes and the governance of African urban spaces organized by CODESRIA.
  • 2007 June presented a paper on Higher Education in Africa in a workshop organized by the University of Pau, France and Makerere university, Uganda


Dr. Edwin Atianyi Gimode

Dr. Edwin Atianyi Gimode
History, Archeology, and Political Studies

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