Department: English and Linguistics , Kenyatta University,
Area of Specialization
- Grammar
- Applied Linguistics (Second Language Acquisition)
Research Interests
- Acquisition of First and Second Languages
Conference Presentations
- Error Analysis for Remedial Purposes, Kenya, 1992
- Acquisition of Two Syntactic Features of English by Kenyan Children (school)
- 2nd languages Acquisition historical perspective
- Error analysis for remedial purposes
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Attended
- Seminar: E-learning Training for Teaching Academic Staff. 2nd Oct, 2014,Kenyatta University BSSC RM 276.
- Workshop: Postgraduate students’ supervision ,15th May 2014,Kenyatta University BSSC RM 12
- Workshop: Training on use of smart board,27th , Feb , 2014,Kenyatta University BSSC RM 012
- Workshop: smart board training –use of the smart board.10th , January 2014,Kenyatta University
- Workshop: Teaching methodology, testing and evaluation in institutes of higher learning.15th -18th July , 2013,Kenyatta University
- Seminar: Disability sensitization for academic staff members,29TH May 2013,BZ7 Kenyatta University
- Training Workshop on e-learning and pedagogy,1st-2nd sept. 2011,K.U (Kenya)
- National conference: Moving Research to Wealth Creation.28th -30th April 2009,K.U (Kenya)
- Workshop: Awareness Training for ISO 14001: 2004 Environment Management Systems(EMS).29th May 2009,K.U (Kenya)
- Seminar: Reading to Learn: An Approach to Teaching Academic writing By- Michael Hart: kwa zulu Natal University S.A,19th June 2008,K.U (Kenya).
- Workshop KU, module training,9th -11th June 2008,K.U (Kenya)
- Seminar,Topic: dissemination of the Gender Policy and Gender based violence and sexual Harassment policy.16th April 2008,K.U (Kenya)
- Public lecture,Topic: e-learning and its benefits. Understanding the pedagogical issues,16TH Nov .2007,K.U (Kenya)
- Workshop: ISO Training 2007,K.U
- University proposal workshop-proposal writing training,17TH July-18th 2006,Utalii Hotel (Kenya)
- Seminar: investigating verb tone in Bantu languages; Focus on Luhya,27th July 2006,K.U (Kenya)by Michael R. Marlo. University of Michigan Dept. of Linguistics
- Seminar on Translation June 2006 at K.U.
- Workshop: module development and production,1st -2nd April 2004,K.U (Kenya)
- Linguistic Circle Seminar,10th July 2003,second language Acquisition: perspective of Data Dr. James N. K.U (Kenya)
- Seminar 1996,Curriculum Review Seminar,Machakos Garden Hotel (Kenya)
- Workshop,The teaching of English in secondary School: New Direction for 1992 and beyond,Presented a paper: error Analysis for remedial purposes.
- Workshop (1991),Technology in Language Education and Research,K.U (Kenya)