
Department: Literature
School : Humanities & Social Sciences,
Contact Address: Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844, GPO, Nairobi, Kenya.
Position: Lecturer
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.:+254 20 8704000 or +254 20 8710901 Ext. 4106


Publications and Books

  1. Circumcisions as initation in orientations of drama theatre and culture by Mumma, Mwangi and Odhiambo: 1998
  2. Tender Memories: Collection of Poems 1992. Oxford University Press
  3. A Guide to the Teaching of English, Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, 1986
  4. Integrated English BK.
    1. JKF: 1987
    2. JKF: 1989
    3. JKF: 1990
    4. JKF: 1990
  5. Drama Festivals Plays – Edward Arnold: 1985


  1. Role of Performing Arts in the Control of Aids Papers presented for national Training Certificates course for teachers Trainees on HIV/AIDS August 2000
  2. Drama in Education: Paper presented during the national Drama Training Workshop August 2000, Kenyatta University.
  3. Drama in the New Millennium a paper presented during the Music symposium in Kenyatta University
  4. Theatre Management and Marketing: Paper presented at Maseno University 1999
  5. Drama Curdled in An African Gourd. Papers presented during international Drama and Education Association Symposium in Kisumu July 1997
  6. Initiations as a medium of learning and a process of drama: A paper presented at the International Drama in Education Association IDEA Symposium in Brisbane Australia 1995
  7. Which way Africans theatre? Paper presented at the British Council 1992
  8. The Role of Technical in National Development: Paper presented at KNUT Conference in Mombasa 1986
  9. The Face of African Theatre: A paper to Afro Caribbean Community, Birmingham, England 1983.
  10. Africanization of African Literature Curriculum: Paper presented at the Association of Teachers of Caribbean and African Literature in London 1982



Dr. Kenneth Kamuri Ngure

Dr. Kenneth Kamuri Ngure
Department of Literature, Linguistics, and Foreign Languages

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