Department : Literature Donwload full CV |
Research interest
- Gender and development
- Democracy, governance leadership and its intersection with literature.
- Women’s autobiography as a technique in transformational literature.
- Researcher (U.N) on employment patterns of Women Workers (1989).
- Researcher on the “The State of Literature. The Response of Indigenous forms to the influence of Western Media”. York University Canada. 1990.
Conference and Seminar presentations
- Paper presentation “Memory in popular culture” Goethe Institute 2008.
- Participant in a participatory methodologies forum of Kenya Workshop on policy formulation 1997.
- Copy Editors on “The impact of structural Adjustment Programs on Kenyan Women for The National Christian Council of Kenya (NCCK) 1994.
- Participant in UNICEF sponsored workshop on Adolescent Girl Communication Initiative in Eastern and Southern Region (1994).
- Paper presentation on role of communication in gender issues at ACCE workshop (1994).
- Participant in gender sensitization Conference (1994).
- Paper presentation “Ideology and Children Literature” at the 3rd Pan African Book Fair 1994.
- Chapter titled “Women and Mass-Media. The Road to Empowerment Femnet 1994.
- “Listen papa” poetry in Tender Memories, E.A.E.P. (Nairobi)
- Paper presentation “Effective Report Writing” at Medicos Sin Frontieral (MSF) 1995.