Department : Literature
Position: Lecturer
Contact Address: Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844, NAIROBI, 00100 KENYA
Private:P.O. BOX 66845 Nairobi-00800, Kenya
Cellular phone: 0722-443253
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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Research interest

  1. Gender and development
  2. Democracy, governance leadership and its intersection with literature.
  3. Women’s autobiography as a technique in transformational literature.
Completed Research
  1. Researcher (U.N) on employment patterns of Women Workers (1989).
  2. Researcher on the “The State of Literature. The Response of Indigenous forms to the influence of Western Media”. York University Canada. 1990.

Conference and Seminar presentations

  1. Paper presentation “Memory in popular culture” Goethe Institute 2008.
  2. Participant in a participatory methodologies forum of Kenya Workshop on policy formulation 1997.
  3. Copy Editors on “The impact of structural Adjustment Programs on Kenyan Women for The National Christian Council of Kenya (NCCK) 1994.
  4. Participant in UNICEF sponsored workshop on Adolescent Girl Communication Initiative in Eastern and Southern Region (1994).
  5. Paper presentation on role of communication in gender issues at ACCE workshop (1994).
  6. Participant in gender sensitization Conference (1994).
  7. Paper presentation “Ideology and Children Literature” at the 3rd Pan African Book Fair 1994.
  8. Chapter titled “Women and Mass-Media. The Road to Empowerment Femnet 1994.
  9. “Listen papa” poetry in Tender Memories, E.A.E.P. (Nairobi)
  10. Paper presentation “Effective Report Writing” at Medicos Sin Frontieral (MSF) 1995.


Dr. Kenneth Kamuri Ngure

Dr. Kenneth Kamuri Ngure
Department of Literature, Linguistics, and Foreign Languages

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