Bachelor’s Degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or equivalent in
Engineering, Hydrology, and related disciplines, Natural Sciences or Social and Human Sciences from a recognized university.Those with Second Class (Lower Division) may be considered on condition that they have Grade “C” and above in units relevant to their areas of specialization.
Unit Codes and Titles
Core Units
AMC 800: Research Methods in Social Sciences
AGE 801: Geographic Thought and Methodology
AGE 802: Advanced Quantitative Techniques
Master of Art (Agricultural Geography)
AGE 803: Agricultural Systems and Rural Land-Use
AGE 804: Agricultural Development Issues in Africa
AGE 805: Methods and Techniques of Agricultural Geography
AGE 806: Contemporary Issues in Geography
Master of Science (Biogeography)
AGE 807: Ecological Biogeography
AGE 808: Methods and Techniques of Biogeography
AGE 809: Palaeoecology
Master of Science (Climatology)
AGE 810: Origin and Development of Climatology AGE 811: Applied Tropical Climatology of Africa AGE 812: Methods and Techniques of Climatology AGE 813: Climate Change and Sustainability
Master of Art (Economic and Industrial Geography)
AGE 814: Locational Behaviour and Analysis
AGE 815: Economic Geography of Africa
AGE 816: Methods and Techniques of Economic Geography
AGE 817: Spatial Perspectives of Development and Under Development
AGE 818: Industrial Location and Regional Development
AGE 819: Methods and Techniques of Industrial Geography
Master of Science (Geomorphology)
AGE 820: Geomorphological Principles I
AGE 821: Geomorphological Principles II
AGE 822: Methods and Techniques of Geomorphology
AGE 823: Regional Studies in Land Form Development
Master of Art (Geography of Marketing)
AGE 824: Systems of Central Places and Location of Marketing
AGE 825: Marketing Systems and Regions
AGE 826: Methods and Techniques of Marketing Geography
AGE 827: Rural Periodic Market Systems
Master of Art (Transport Geography)
AGE 828: Principles of Transport Geography I AGE 829: Principles of Transport Geography II
AGE 830: Methods and Techniques of Transport Geography
AGE 831: Transport Logistics in Development
Master of Art (Urban and Regional Planning)
AGE 832: Regional and Urban Spatial Patterns and Theories
AGE 833: Urban and Regional Planning
AGE 834: Methods and Techniques of Planning Analysis
AGE 835: Urban Development
AGE 836: Rural Development
AGE 837: African Urban and Regional Economic Development
Master of Art (Population and Settlement Geography)
AGE 838: Population Theories and Demographic Data Analysis
AGE 839: Methods and Techniques of Demography AGE 840: Fertility, Mortality and Migration Dynamics AGE 841: Population Pressure and Environmental Change AGE 842: Principles of Settlement Geography
AGE 843: Methods and Techniques of Settlement Geography
AGE 844: Population and Settlement in Africa
Master of Science (Hydrology and Water Resources)
AGE 845: Hydrological Processes
AGE 846: Ground Water Hydrology
AGE 847: Hydrometry and Surface Water Hydrology
AGE 848: Hydraulics, Drainage Basins and Applied Hydrology AGE 849: Assessment and Management of Water Resources AGE 850: Hydrological Data Management and Processing
AGE 851: Agricultural Hydrology
AGE 852: Environmental Aspects of Hydrology
AGE 853: Hydrology of Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALS) AGE 854: Ecohydrology
AGE 855: Urban Hydrology
Master of Science (Integrated Watershed Management)
AGE 856: Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management
AGE 857: Policy and Interventions in Watershed Management
AGE 858: Mapping, Field and Laboratory Techniques
AGE 859: Computing For Watershed Management
AGE 860: Watershed Degradation and Rehabilitation
AGE 861: Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems
AGE 862: Socio-Economic, Legal & Administrative Aspects of Watershed Management
AGE 863: Demand and Supply of Watershed Resources
AGE 864: Hydrological Processes and Watershed Modelling
AGE 865: Watershed Use, Planning and Management
AGE 866: Environmental Impact Assessment in a Watershed
AGE 867: Watershed Evaluation
AGE 868: Masters Thesis