Title/Qualifications: PhD |
- Macharia, J.M., Pelseter, D.E., Ngetich, F.K., Shisanya, C.A., Mucheru_Muna, M., Mugendi, D.N. (2020): Soil greenhouse gas fluxes from maize production under different soil fertility 19 | P a g e management practices in East Africa. JGR Biogeosciences, 125(7) (Online: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JG005427).
- Musafiri, C.M., Macharia, J.M., Kiboi, M.N., Ng’etich, O.K., Shisanya, C.A., Okeyo, J.M., Mugendi, d.N., Okwuosa, E.A. & Ngetich, F.N. (2020): Soil greenhouse gas fluxes from maize cropping system under different soil fertility management technologies in Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 30: 1-12 (Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2020.107064).
- Musafiri, C.M., Macharia, J.M., Ng’etich, O.K., Kiboi, M.N., Okeyo, J., Shisanya, C.A., Okwuosa, E.A., Mugendi, D.N. & Ngetich, F.N. (2020): Farming systems typologies analysis to inform agricultural greenhouse gas emissions potential from smallholder rain-fed farms in Kenya. Scientific African, 8: 1-17 (Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scaf.2020.e00458).
- Nyangena, J., Onywere, S. & Shisanya, C. (2020): Evaluating the relationship between drought and vegetation greenness in Chyulu-Amboseli rangeland, Kenya. Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management, 24(1): 65-71 (Online)(DOI:https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jasem.v24il.9).
- Macharia, J.M., Ngetich, F.K. & Shisanya, C.A. (2020): Comparison of satellite remote sensing derived precipitation estimates and observed data in Kenya. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology (Online)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107875).
- Koimbori, J.K., Shisanya, C.A., Murimi, S.K. & Petterson, R. (2018): Analysis of Rainfall and Temperature Trends in Bahati Sub-County, Kenya. Open Journal: Asian Journal of Applied Sciences ISSN: 2321-0893, Volume 06 – Issue 06, December 2018
- Bangura, K.A., Obando, J.A., Munene, I.I. & Shisanya, C. (Eds)(2019). Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook. CODESRIA, Darkar, Senegal. ISBN: 978-2-86978-833-6, 420pp.
- Nwachukwu, I.N. and Shisanya, C.A. (2017). Determinants of Agricultural Production in Kenya under Climate Change. Open Access Library Journal, 4, 1-10. e3583. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103583
- Recha, C. W. , Makokha, G. L. , Shisanya, C. A. and Mukopi, M. N. (2017). Climate Variability:Attributes and Indicators of Adaptive Capacity in Semi-Arid Tharaka Sub-County, Kenya. Open Access Library Journal, 4, 1-14. e3505. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103505.
- Shisanya, C.A. , Onywere, S. M. and Obando, J. A. (2017): Sustainable Water Resources Management for Food Security in Kenya: Case of Bwathonaro Catchment. Open Access Library Journal, 4, 1-16. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1103524. Available
- Recha, C.W., Makokha, G.L. & Shisanya, C.A. (2017). Climate variability and causes: from the perspective of the Tharaka people of eastern Kenya. Geoscience Research Letters,4(22): 1-8. DOI 10.1186/s40562-017-0088-1 (Online).
- Luwesi, C.N., Obando, J.A. & Shisanya, C.A. (2017). The impact of a warming micro-climate
- on Muooni farmers of Kenya. Agriculture, 7(20): 1-22. doi:10.3390/agriculture7030020(www.mdpi.com/journal/agriculture).
- Kwena, Z.A., Shisanya, C.A., Bukusi, E.A., Turan, J.M., Dworkin, S.L., Rota, G.A. & Mwanzo,
- I.J. (2017): Jaboya ("Sex for Fish"): A qualitative analysis of contextual risk factors for extramarital partnerships in the fishing communities in western Kenya. Archives of Sexual Behaviour. DOI 10.1007/s10508-016-0930-0 (Online).
- Sagero, P.O., Shisanya, C.A., Ongoma, V. & Shilenje, Z.W. (2016): Numerical simulation of rainfall and temperature over Kenya using Weather Research and Forecasting-Environmental Modelling System (WRF-EMS). Geographica Pannonica, 20(1): 42-52 (March 2016)(ISSN 1820-7138)(Online)
- Shisanya, C.A. (2015). Mainstreaming climate adaptation into agricultural planning and development in Kenya. In: Mukuna, T.E. &Shisanya, C.A. (Eds). Milestones in Green Transition and Climate Compatible Development in Eastern and Southern Africa.OSSREA, Addis Ababa, pp. 24-58.
- Shisanya, C.A. (2015). Conclusion and perspectives. In: Mukuna, T.E. & Shisanya, C.A.(Eds). Milestones in Green Transition and Climate Compatible Development in Eastern and Southern Africa. OSSREA, Addis Ababa, pp. 24-58.
- Kinyanjui, J.M., Shisanya, C.A., Ondimu, K.N., Wargute, P.W. & Ojwala, M.A. (2014): Assessing tree species dominance along an agroecological gradient in the Mau forest complex, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology 4: 662-670. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oje.2014.411056
- Kansiime, K.M., Shisanya, A.C., Wambugu, K.S. (2014): Effectiveness of technological options for minimising production risks under variable climatic conditions in Eastern Uganda. African Crop Science Journal Vol. 22, Issue Supplement s4: 859-874. ISSN 1021-9730/2014.
- Ngetich K.F., Mucheru-Muna, M., Mugwe, J.N., Shisanya, C.A., Diels, J., and Mugendi, D.N. (2014). Length of growing season, rainfall temporal distribution, onset and cessation dates in the Kenyan highlands. Agricultural and Forestry Meteorology, 188: 24-32.
- Karanja, A.M., Shisanya, C.A., & Makokha, G. (2014): Analysis of the key challenges facing potato farmers in Oljoro-Orok division, Kenya. Agricultural Sciences, 5: 834-838. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/as.2014.510088
- Karanja, A.M., Shisanya, C.A., & Makokha, G. (2014): Analysis of rainfall variability on potato production in Kenya: A case of Oljoro-Orok division. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(4): 447-456. (ISSN:2321-0893). www.ajouronline.com
- Ngetich, K.F., Diels, J., Shisanya, C.A., Mugwe, J.N., Mucheru-Muna, M., & Mugendi, D.N. (2014): Effects of selected soil and water conservation techniques on runoff, sediment yield and maize productivity under sub0humid and semi-arid conditions in Kenya. Catena, 121: 288-296.
- Mathenge, J.M., Luwesi, C.N., Shisanya, C.A., Mahiri, I., Akombo, R.A., & Mutiso, M.N. (2014a): Water security where government policies conflict with local practices: the roles of community water management systems in Ngaciuma-Kinyaritha, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 3(5): 793-804. ISSN 2278-0211 (Online)
- Mathenge, J.M., Luwesi, C.N., Shisanya, C.A., Mahiri, I., Akombo, R.A., & Mutiso, M.N. (2014a): Community participation in water sector governance in Kenya: A performance based appraisal of community water management systems in Ngaciuma-Kinyaritha, Tana basin, Mount Kenya region. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 3(5): 783-792. ISSN 2278-0211 (Online)
- Mutoko, M.C., Shisanya, C.A., & Hein, L. (2014): Fostering technological transition to sustainable land management through stakeholder collaboration in the western highlands of Kenya. Land Use Policy, 41: 110-120.DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.05.005.
- Mathenge, J.M., Luwesi, C.N., Shisanya, C.A., Mahiri, I., Akombo, R.A. & Mutiso, M.N. (2014): The Contribution of Community Water Management Systems to Enhanced Water Security under Changing Legal and Weather Conditions in Kenya. Journal of Agri-Food and Applied Sciences, 2(4): 113-123.
- Akombo, R.A., Luwesi, C.N., Shisanya, C.A. and Obando, J.A. (2014): Green Water Credits for Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry in Arid and Semi-Arid Tropics of Kenya. Journal of Agri-Food and Applied Sciences, 2(4): 86-92.
- Kwena, Z., Mwanzo, I., Shisanya, C., Camlin, C., Turan, J. et al. (2014). Predictors of extra-marital partnerships among women maried to fishermen along Lake Victoria in Kisumu County, Kenya. PLoS ONE:e95298.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095298.
- Okeyo, A.I., Mucheru-Muna, M., Mugwe, J., Ngetich, K.F., Mugendi, D.N., Diels, J. & Shisanya, C.A. (2014). Effects of selected soil and water conservation technologies on nutrient losses and maize yields in the central highlands of Kenya. Agricultural Water Management, 137: 52-58.
- Kansiime, M.K., Wambugu, S.K., & Shisanya, C.A. (2014). Determinants of farmers' decisions to adopt technologies in Eastern Uganda. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. (5)(3): 189-199, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper), ISSN 2222-2855 (Online).
- Ngonzo, C.L., Shisanya, C.A., & Obando, J.A. (2013). Hydro-geomorphic impact assessment and economic viability of smallholders farms in Muooni catchment, Machakos District. Journal of Agri-ffod and Applied Sciences, Vol. 1(1): 16-23 (Available online at jaas.blue-ap.org).
- Ngonzo, C.L., Shisanya, C.A., & Obando, J.A. (2013).Climate change, excess land-uses and farmers' water demand: An induction from smallholder farms of Muooni dam site, Kenya. Journal of Agri-ffod and Applied Sciences, Vol. 1(1): 24-36 (Available online at jaas.blue-ap.org).
- Ngonzo, C.L., Shisanya, C.A., & Obando, J.A. (2013). Applied inventory models for evaluating water and food security: Approaches and lessons from smallholder farms of Muooni catchment, Machakos District, Kenya. Journal of Agri-ffod and Applied Sciences, Vol. 1(1): 37-45 (Available online at jaas.blue-ap.org).
- Ngonzo, C.L., Shisanya, C.A., & Obando, J.A. (2013). Hydro-economic inventory for sustainable livelihood in Kenyan ASALs: The case of Muooni catchment. Journal of Agri-ffod and Applied Sciences, Vol. 1(1): 46-55 (Available online at jaas.blue-ap.org).
- Ngonzo, C.L., Shisanya, C.A., & Obando, J.A. (2013). Hydro-economic inventory models for planning and evaluation of farming water efficiency in a semi-arid watershed of Kenya. Journal of Agri-ffod and Applied Sciences, Vol. 1(1): 56-62 (Available online at jaas.blue-ap.org).
- Kwena, Z.A., Camlin, C.S., Shisanya, C.A., Mwanzo, I., Bukusi, E.A. (2013). Short-term mobility and risk of HIV infection among married couples in the fishing communities along Lake Victoria, Kenya. PLOS ONE 8(1):e54523.doi:10.1371?journal.pone.0054523.
- Alufah, S., Shisanya, C.A. & Obando, J.A. (2012). Analysis of factors influencing adoption of soil and water conservation technologies in Ngaciuma sub-catchment, Kenya. African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 4(5): 172-185.DOI:10.5829/idosi.ajbas.2012.4.5.1112. ISSN 2079-2034.
- Felix K. Ngetich, Chris A. Shisanya, Jayne Mugwe,Monicah Mucheru-Muna and Daniel Mugendi (2012). The Potential of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources in Sub-Saharan African Crop Farming Systems, Soil Fertility Improvement and Integrated Nutrient Management - A Global Perspective, Joann K. Whalen (Ed.),
- ISBN:978-953-307-945-5,InTech,Available from:http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/the-potential-of-organic-and-inorganic-nutrient-sources-in-sub-saharan-african-crop-farming-systems
- Ngetich, K.F., Mugwe, J.N., Mucheru-Muna, M., Shisanya, C.A., Diels, J. and Mugendi, D.N. (2011). Assessment of strategies that optimize water productivity in maize:Simulation and testing of crop field practices using AquaCrop and field experimentation in central highlands of Kenya. In; Ardakanian, R. & Walter, T. (eds) 2011.Capacity Development for Farm Management Strategies to Improve Crop-Water Productivity using AquaCrop: Lessons Learned. Knowledge Series N,UNW-DPC, Bonn, Germany Pp 88. Available from:www.unwater.unu.edu/file/get/222
- Ngetich, K. F., Shisanya, C. A., Mugwe, J., Mucheru-Muna, M., Mugendi, D. N. and Diels, (2012). Tillage and surface management effects on soil water content and maize productivity in the Central Highlands of Kenya. CICD Series Vol. (In press).
- Recha, C.W., Makokha, G.L., Traore, P.S., Shisanya, C., Ladoun, T. & Sako, A. (2011): Determination of seasonal rainfall variability onset and cessation in semi-arid Tharaka district, Kenya. Theoretical Applied Climatology. DOI 10.1007/S00704-011-0544-3.
- Neykova, N., Obando, J., Schneider, K., Shisanya, C., Thiele-Bruhn, S. and Thomas, F.M. (2011): Vertical root distribution in single-crop and vertical intercropping agricultural systems in Central Kenya. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 174:n/a.doi.10.1002/jpln.201000314
- Fensholt, R., Anyamba, A., Huber, S., Proud, S.R., Tucker, C.J., Small, J., Pak, E.,Rasmussen, M.O., Sandholt, I. & Shisanya, C.A. (2011): Analysing the advantages of high temporal resolution geostrationary MSG SEVIRI data compared to Polar operational environmental satellite data for land surface monitoring in Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (accepted for publication).
- Shisanya, C.A., Recha, C. and Anyamba, A. (2011): Rainfall variability and its impact on normalized difference vegetation index in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. International Journal of Geosciences, 2011, 2, 36-47. doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.21004 Published online February 2011 (http://www.Scirp.org/journal/ijg).
- Proud, S.R., Rasmussen, M.O., Fensholt, R., Sandholt, I., Shisanya, C., Mutero, W., Mbow, C. and Anyamba, A. (2010): Improving the SMAC atmospheric correction code by analysis of meteosat second generation NDVI and surface reflectance data. Remote Sensing of Environment, doi.10.1016/j.rse.2010.02.020.
- Makokha, G.L. & Shisanya, C.A. (2010): Temperature cooling and warming rates in three different built environments within Nairobi city, Kenya. Advances in Meteorology Vol 2010, Article ID 686214, doi:10.1155/2010/686214. Makokha, G.L. & Shisanya, C.A. (2010): Trends in mean annual minimum and maximum near surface temperature in Nairobi city. Advances in Meteorology Vol 2010, Article ID 676041, doi:10.1155/2010/676041.
- Recha, C.W., Shisanya, C.A., Makokha, G.L., Kinuthia, R.N. (2008): Perception and use of climate forecast information among smallholder farmers in semi-arid Kenya.Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 1(2): 123-135.
- Shisanya, C.A., Mucheru, M.W., Mugendi, D.N., Kung’u, J.B. (2008): Effect of organic and inorganic nutrient sources on soil mineral nitrogen and maize yields in central highlands of Kenya. Soil Tillage Research, doi:10.1016/j.still.2008.05.016
- Shisanya, C.A., Makokha, M.O., Kimani, S.K., Kalumuna, M., & Tenge, A. (2007):Farmer tree nursery as a catalyst for developing sustainable best management land use practices in Lake Victoria catchments ecosystem. Journal of Applied Sciences 7(13): 1755-1761
- Shisanya, C.A. and Khayesi, M. (2007): How is climate change perceived in relation to other socioeconomic and environmental threats in Nairobi, Kenya? Climate Change, 85: 271-284.
- Maingi, J.M., Gitonga, N.M., Shisanya, C.A. & Hornetz, B. (2006): Population levels of indigenous Bradyrhizobia nodulating promiscuous soybean in two Kenyan soils of the semi-arid and semi-humid Agroecological zones. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the tropics and Subtropics, 107(2): 149-160.
- Shisanya, C.A. (2005): Yield and nitrogen fixation response by drought tolerant tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray var. latifolius) in sole and maize intercrop systems in semi-arid southeast Kenya. Journal of Food Technology 3(3): 300-307.
- Shisanya, C.A. (2005): Economic analysis of maize-tepary bean production using a soil fertility replenishment product (PREP-PAC) in semi-arid Eastern Kenya. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol. 3(2): 309-312.
- Shisanya, C.A. (2004): Leaf water potential responses of three bean varieties to water stress during flowering in a semi-arid environment of Kenya. South African Journal of Botany: 70(5): 713-716.
- Shisanya, C.A. (2003): A note on the response by smallholder farmers to soil nutrient depletion in the East African highlands. Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.1 (3&4): 247-250.
- Shisanya, C.A. (2003): Yield and nitrogen response by drought tolerant tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray var. latifolius) in sole and maize intercrop systems in semi-arid Kenya. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy 2(3): 126-137.
- Shisanya, C.A. (2002): Improvement of drought adapted tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray var. latifolius) yield through biological nitrogen fixation in semi-arid SEKenya. European Journal of Agronomy 16(1): 13-24.
- Maingi, J.M., Shisanya, C.A., & Gitonga, N.M. (2001): Population level of bean rhizobia in the soil of semi-arid south-east Kenya and assessment of symbiotic behaviour. East African Journal of Science 3(1): 13-18.
- Maingi, J.M., Shisanya, C.A., Gitonga, N.M., & Hornetz, B. (2001): Nitrogen fixation by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in pure and mixed stands in semi-arid south-east Kenya. European Journal of Agronomy, 14: 1-12.