- Kinyanjui Felistus and Waithaka Irene, ‘E-Government for Urban Development: A Comparison of Nairobi and Kiambu Counties’ in International Journal of Public Administration in Digital Age Analysis, Special Issue Forthcoming 2015.
- Kinyanjui Felistus, ‘Towards an Understanding of the Evolution of Electronic-Governance in Kenya, 1990-2013’ in Inderjeet Singh Sodhi (ed) Emerging Issues and Prospects in Africa E-Government (IGI Global Publications, 2014).
- Kinyanjui Felistus, 'Theatre for Development: Localised Ways of Dealing with the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Rural Thika', in Subero Gustavo (ed), AIDS in Culture 2013. London Ashgate Publishers.
- Kinyanjui Felistus, A Survey of Access to and Equity in Reproductive Health Care Services in Thika District, Kenya, Dakar: CODESRIA 2012
- Kinyanjui Felistus, ‘Ethnicity and Nationalism in Independent Kenya’, GOETHE Institute, 2011.
- Penda Mbow & Kinyanjui Felistus, Editors, Africa Zamani Journal of African History, vol.17, 2009.
- Kinyanjui Felistus & Parsitau Seleina, The Role of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches in Kenya 2007 General Elections, Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies, XLI, II, 2009.
- Kinyanjui Felistus, “Some Reflections on Resilience in African Traditional Healing Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa”, Moi University Press, 2009.
- “The Missing Link: Interrogating Entry to Kenya’s Secondary School System”, Chapter in E-Book by National University of Galway, 2008.
- Transcending Methodological Dilemmas in Social Research, Southern Africa Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 2, 2, 2005.
- Child Indicators Conference University of Capetown, August 2015
- ‘Cash Transfers for the OVCs in Kenya’ Paper for the 5th ECAS Conference, Lisbon, 2013.
- ‘Women and Land Rights in Kiambu County’ Conference on Land Policies in East Africa at Makerere University, Kampala, 3-4 November 2011.
- Delegate to the High Level Panel on UN/AU Engagement in Security Sector Reforms, Gigiri, Nairobi October 2012.
- ‘Strategies for Nation Building in Kenya’ A Paper presented at the University of Ghana International Symposium, November 2010.
- Kenyan Delegate to the International Congress for the Historical Sciences, Amsterdam August 2010.
- 'The Dynamics of Child Labour in Kenya: A Case Study of Thika District 1954-2007', A Paper Presented at the Historical Association of Kenya (HAK) Conference at Egerton, 12-13 June, 2008.
- Methods of Social Science Research ‘A Historical Analysis of the Relationship between Poverty, Health and Disease Among Commercial Agricultural Workers in Thika District, Kenya 1954-2007’, Presented at the OSSREA Post-Doctoral Workshop, Addis Ababa, 14-18 January 2008.
- 'Towards Reflective Academic Practice’ Theories and Practices of Making Learning Happen’, Kabarak and York St John Universities Project, June 2007