Title/Qualifications: Dr, PhD
Publications and Academic seminar papers
2021 “Perspective Comparison of Structures and Themes of Two Ancient Epic Poems and Muyakas Poems” Research Journal in African Languages.2.1
2020 . AKS 802 ‘’Theories of Literary Criticism and Literary Analysis’’Interactive Module, Kenyatta University.
- AKS 201 ‘’Introduction to Kiswahili Literature’’ Interactive Module, Kenyatta University.
2020.AKS 309 ‘’Stylystics”’ Interactive Module, Kenyatta University.
2020 .AKS307 “Thietre Arts and Drama” Interactive Module, Kenyatta University.
- Mabadiliko ya Maudhui Katika Riwaya Teule za S.A Mohamed. Koja la Taaluma za Insia uk 119-130.
- 2018 “The Impact Of Global Terrorism On Ethnicity And Community Relations In Kenya:Towards A Reconstruction Of A Vibrant Civil Society” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention(JHSI) vol 7 issue10, ver.3 (November 2018)58-62 e-ISSN:2319-7722,P-ISSSN2319-7714,
- 2018“Challeges of Translated Kiswahili Texts” International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies ISSN 2321-9203 co-author, Geofrey Kitula King’ei.
- 2018 “Itikadi katika riwaya za Dunia Yao na Mhanga Nafsi Yangu za S.A Mohamed” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) vol 23 issue 9 e-ISSN:2279-0837,P-ISSSN2279-0845,75-83 co-author Richard Makhanu Wafula
- 2018 “Usemezano Katika Kilio cha Haki” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) vol 23 issue10,ver.3 (october2018)36-42 e-ISSN:2279-0837,P-ISSSN2279-0845,
- 2018 “Uhusiano wa Itikadi na Mtazamo wa Mtunzi”. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) vol 23 issue 9 e-ISSN:2279-0837,P-ISSSN2279-0845,75-83
- 2018 “Utathimini wa Itikadi Katika Riwaya za Awali za S.A Mohamed;In Mosol Kendagor and Mwenda Mukuthuria (eds) Utafiti wa Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili. CHAKAMA: TATAKI (uk: 200-222)
- 2018: Translated texts: A case study of Kithaka Wamberia’s Texts.In:Proceedings of the1st Annual International Conference on Harnessing Scientific Research, Innovation and Technology For Sustainable Development, Machakos University,17th-19th April 2018.Machakos,Kenya 305-322. ISBN: 978-9966-117-37-3.
- 2017: Itikadi Katika Riwaya za Said A.Mohamed. PhD theses: Kenyatta university. Published online by Kenyatta University
- 2016: “Itikadi Katika Riwaya za Awali za S.A Mohamed” Kioo Cha Lugha. Vol;14, 144-153
- 2016: A Study on Emotional Intelligence among Psychotherapists in Northern Uganda.International journal of academic Research in Psychology, vol:3,no 2.ISSN2312-1882,9-19
- 2016: Effect of User Interface on the Utilization and Efficacy of Educational Digital Content among Secondary Schools in Kenya. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, Vol:4 (10), 225-241.
- 2002: “Usemezano Katika Tamthilia ya Kiswahili, MA Thesis ,” Kenyatta university, Published online by Kenyatta University.
Workshops and related training attended
- June 2018 “Training on sheng and languages” Kenyatta university
- May 2018: Risk management coordinators training” Kenyatta University.
- June 2018: New methodologies of teaching in higher Education.Kenyatta university
- June 2017: Integrity Officers training at Kenya School of Monetary studies EACC.
- June 2012: Testing and evaluation on Higher Education. University of Nairobi.
Professional Body.
- Chama Cha Kiswahili cha Taifa. Member number 43.