Department : Department Of Kiswahili & African Languages Designation: Lecturer E- Mail : Area of Specialization: Kiswahili Language And Linguistics Contact Address :Kenyatta University,P.O. Box 43844 – 00100
University Level Scholarly Books
- Reviewed and Phonemically transcribed Kamusi Ya Kiswahili Sanifu Toleo La 4 Oxford University Press (2020) Nairobi Kenya.
Book Chapters
- Miriam Osore (2019) & Everline Mudhune, ‘Utahini wa Kiswahili katika Vyuo Vikuu Nchini Kenya’, in Kiswahili katika Elimu ya Juu , Mohochi, E. S., Mukuthuria M., Ontieri O. J.(eds) Eldoret, Moi University Press pp 139 – 157.
- Mudhune E., and Phillip Owino (2007): ‘Capacity Building and the Importance of HIV/AIDS for Universities in Africa’ in the Intersection of Human Capital, Gender and HIV/AIDS in the African Context. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Mbatha, M. & Evaline Mudhune (2005): ‘The Contribution of the Persian Language to Kiswahili’, in Historical role of Persians (Shirazi’s) in the East African Coast. Cultural Embassy of R. R. Iran, Nairobi, Kenya
- Mudhune E. S., (2002): ‘African Languages in the Manufacturing Industry’, in Owino R.F. (ed.) Speaking African: African languages for Education and Development. Cape Town CASAS.
Other Publications
- Osore, M., E. Mudhune &Peter Mugambi, (2008): Kenyatta University Charter.
- Mbatha, Edwin Masinde & E. Mudhune (2002): ‘The Evaluation and Development of a Civic Education Discourse in the East African Region’. In the Independent Review Vol. 2. No. 2, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Masinde E., Petronilla Mathooko & E, Mudhune (2002): Language and Transition Politics in Kenya’, in the Independent Review. Vol. 2 No. 2. Nairobi, Kenya.
Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshop/Seminars
- “The Kenya National Anthem, Is It One or Two?”, a paper presented during the First Regional Conference on Translation and Interpretation Studies organized by Centre for Translation and Interpretation in collaboration with DAAD between 18th and 19th February 2016, at the University of Nairobi.
- “Ufupishaji Katika Mitandao ya Kijamii na Athari Zake Kwa Lugha Ya Kiswahili” A paper presented at an International Conference organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA) Kenya Chapter held between 14th and 17th October 2015 at Mount Kenya University.
- “When Mastering a Foreign Language seems Easier”, a paper presented during the Foreign Languages Conference held between 11th – 13th February 2015 at Kenyatta University.
- “Utahini wa Kiswahili katika Vyuo Vikuu Nchini Kenya’, in Kiswahili katika Elimu ya Juu” International Conference on ‘Taaluma ya Kiswahili katika Elimu ya Juu’, organized by Chama cha Kiswahili Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA) held between 5th - 7th June 2014 at Rongo University College
- “Matamshi Potofu Miongoni Mwa Walimu Wa Kiswahili”International Conference on ‘Miaka Hamsini ya Kiswahili Nchini Kenya’, organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa (CHAKITA) held between 21st – 23rd August 2013 at Catholic University, Jubilee Hall
- “Kiswahili na Utata Katika Haki za Binadamu ”, a paper presented at Thompson Falls, Nyahururu, during the International Conference on Kiswahili, held between 3rd – 6th July 2001, and organized by Egerton University’s Laikipia Campus
- “Historical Role of Persians (Shirazis) in the East-African Coast”, paper presented at the National Museum of Kenya, Nairobi, during a conference on the “Historical Role of Persians (Shirazis) in the East African Coast” held between 2nd – 3rd February 2001, and organized by Cultural Council of the Embassy of Iran
- ‘African Languages in the Manufacturing Industry’: a paper presented in the First International Conference on African Languages organized by Maseno University In Kisumu in 2000
- “Kiswahili Katika Rajua 2030”, a paper presented during the International Conference on Kiswahili held at Fort Jesus, Mombasa between 3rd – 6th October 2000 and organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa (CHAKITA).
Participation in International and Local Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
- 2021: Attended webinar on International Mother Language Day organized by University Of Nairobi, February 2021
- 2021: Attended webinar on Disability: Ten Years into The Constitution organized by the Disability Society Of Kenya in January 2021
- 2019: Attended a symposium on Towards A Competency Based Quality Education In Kenya: A Collective Responsibility. A Ministry Of Education Based Education Quality Dialogues For Nairobi County held on 15th April 2019
- 2019: Attended the First Africa International Translation Conference organized by East African Interpreters and Translators Association in Nairobi, Kenya, held from 8th – 9th February 2019.
- 2018: Attended a Sheng Workshop held on 19th and 20th June 2018 at BSSC Room 149 organized by Institute of African Studies at Kenyatta University.
- 2016: Attended the First Regional Conference on Translation and Interpretation Studies organized by Centre for Translation and Interpretation in collaboration with DAAD between 18th and 19th February 2016, at the University of Nairobi.
- 2015: Attended Training on ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System (QMS) Standards on 16th September 2015 at BSSC, RM 14, Kenyatta University
- 2015: Attended an International Conference organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA) Kenya Chapter held between 14th and 17th October 2015 at Mount Kenya University.
- 2014: Attended an International Conference on ‘Taaluma ya Kiswahili katika Elimu ya Juu’, organized by Chama cha Kiswahili Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA) held between 5th - 7th June 2014 at Rongo University College.
- 2013:Attended an International Conference on ‘Miaka Hamsini ya Kiswahili Nchini Kenya’, organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa (CHAKITA) held between 21st – 23rd August 2013 at Catholic University, Jubilee Hall
- 2013: Attended a seminar on‘Anti-Corruption Awareness Training for Members of Staff’, organized by Kenyatta University at the Business Students Services Centre’ on 28th May 2013
- 2012: Attended an International Conference organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa (CHAKITA) held between 23rd – 24th August 2012 at Kenyatta University Conference Centre (KUCC), Nairobi.
- 2011:Attended a seminar for Staff Mentors organized by the Directorate of Mentoring Programme of Kenyatta University held on 6th September 2011
- 2008:Attended an International Conference, entitled ‘Lugha, Utaifa na Utangamano’, organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Kitaifa (CHAKITA) in August 2008, Fort Jesus, Mombasa
- 2004: Attended a seminar on “Mabadiliko ya Mitaala ya Kiswahili nchini Kenya”, organized by The Institute of Kiswahili Research, held at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. 27th –February, 2004.
- 2003: Attended a seminar on “The place of Kiswahili in the Draft Constitution” Organized by The Institute of Kiswahili Research held at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. 26th April, 2003.
- 2001:Attended a Conference on “Historical Role of Persians (Shirazis) in the East-African Coast”, organized by Cultural Council of the Embassy of Iran held at National Museum of Kenya from 2nd – 3rd February 2001.
- 2000: Attended a conference on “Lugha na Utamaduni”, organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa (CHAKITA) held at Fort Jesus, Mombasa, Kenya. 3rd-6th October, 2000.