a). Articles in referred journals
- Kebeya-Omondi, Hilda (2012). “Language and Ethnic Identity: More Perspectives from Africa.” International Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 4, No. 3, September 2012, pages 755-771. ISSN 1948-5425. http://dx.doi.org./10.5296/ijl.v4i3.2174 Article is published in an online Journal by Macrothink Institute.
- Kebeya, Hilda (2013). “Inter- and Intra-sentential Switching: Are they really Comparable?” International Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 5 March 2013, pages 225-233. ISSN 2220-8488. Publisher: Centre for Promoting ideas, USA. http://www.ijhssnet.com
- Annah Kariuki, Fridah Erastus Kanana & Hilda Kebeya (2015). “The growth and Use of Sheng in advertisements in selected businesses in Kenya.” Journal of African Cultural Studies. Vol. 27, No. 2, June 2015, pages 229-246. ISSN 1369-6815. Publisher: Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, UK. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13696815.2014.976545
- Atemo Christine Nyong’a, Fridah Erastus Kanana & Hilda Kebeya (forthcoming). “The (Re) structuring and functions of an Emerging Sheng among Matatu crew in Kenya.” Manuscript ID 534159001 submitted to South African Journal of African Languages. ISSN: 0257-2117 for peer review in April 2015. http://nisc.co.za
- Kiprop Philip and Kebeya Hilda (2016) “Language and cross-cultural communication: lexical variation in the speech of initiated and uninitiated Tugen speakers.” Chemchemi International Journal of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Kenyatta University in September 2016. ISBN 1563-1028. Volume 10, No. 2, pages 114- 127
- Kebeya Hilda (2016). “Rethinking the official language policy: the case of East Africa and Southeast Asia.” International Journal of Education & Social Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 10, October 2016, pages 23-29. ISSN 2410-5171 (online) ISSN 2415-1246 (Print). http://www.ijessnet.com/vol-3-no-10-october-2016
b). Papers in conference proceedings
- Martin Makokha & Hilda Kebeya, (forthcoming). An Intra-dialectal analysis of Lukhayo: backwash effects on language teaching/learning. Manuscript submitted to Institute of African Studies, Kenyatta University in September 2016.
c). Books/ Chapters in Books/Modules
- Martin Makokha* and Hilda Kebeya (2018). “An Intra-dialectal analysis of Lukhayo: backwash effects on teaching/learning at elementary levels in Busia County,” in C. Ndungo, L. Mwita, P. Ngugi, J. Makokha and D. Ngugi (eds.) From Asmara 2000 to Nairobi 2014: Trends in African Languages and Literatures .Published by Kenyatta University Press, Nairobi, Kenya. Pgs.184-194. ISBN 978-9966-54-100-0
- Fridah Kanana Erastus and Hilda Kebeya (2018). “Functions of Urban and Youth Languages in the New media: The case of Sheng in Kenya,” in Ellen Hurst- Harosh & Fridah Kanana Erastus (eds.) African Youth Languages, New Media, Performing Arts and Sociolinguistic development. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland. Pgs 15-52. ISBN 978-3-319-64561-2.
- Kebeya-Omondi Hilda & Fridah Kanana Erastus (2016). “Devolution of governance and linguistic (in) equalities in Kenya.” In Martin Pütz & Neele Mundt (eds.) Vanishing Languages in Context: Ideological, Attitudinal and Social Identity Perspectives. Published by Peter Lang: Frankfurt. Pgs. 51-72. ISBN 978-363167-049-1.
- Hilda Kebeya, Miriam Osore, Pamella Ngugi & Charles Kebaya, (eds.) (2016) Language and Translation: theory, pedagogy and practice. Nsemia Inc. Publishers, Canada (www.nsemia.com). ISBN 978-1-926906-47-8.
- Hilda Kebeya-Omondi & Fridah Kanana Erastus (2016). “Devolution of governance and linguistic (in) equalities in Kenya.” In Martin Pütz & Neele Mundt (eds.) Vanishing Languages in Context: Ideological, Attitudinal and Social Identity Perspectives. Peter Lang: Frankfurt. Pgs. 51-72. ISBN 978-3-631-67049-1
- Hilda Kebeya-Omondi (2002). AEN 200: Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology. Module for Institute of Open Learning- Kenyatta University.
- Hilda Kebeya- Omondi (2003) ENG 302: Second Language Learning. Module for Distance Learning Programmes- The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.