Name: Dr. Joyce Imali Wangia |
- January, 2016: Member of research team led by Prof. Grace Bunyi won VC’s research grant of Ksh. 1.5 M for a proposal titled: An assessment of the production of social science research by universities and its utilization by policy makers and practitioners in Kenya
- Multilingual Education: I am a member of Multilingual Education Network (MLE) where we are conducting research in first and second language research with a view to informing and influencing language policy and practice. A major component of the research is the development of a teacher training manual on mother tongue education which I am a co-author. The manual highlights the significance of the language of instruction in the early grades.
- I am also engaged in research in Translation into African Languages and I am working on developing a course book manual.
- I was a team member of a just concluded country research in Teacher Preparation and Continuing Professional Development in Africa. This was a research into how teachers are trained to teach reading and math in the early grades.
- I am working on a research paper entitled, “The Language of Instruction versus Learning in Lower Primary Schools in Kenya.”
- Feb. 23 - 25 2016. I presented a paper entitle, “Mother tongue vitality through a harmonized concordance: A hybrid for Kenyan urban populations” at the International Mother Language Day conference held at the University of Nairobi
- May 17 - 18 2016. I co-presented a paper entitled ‘Functions of tone in Lulogooli at a workshop on Tone held at Kenyatta University.
- Feb. 11- 13 2015 I participated in the International conference on Foreign Languages and Literature and presented a paper entitled: “From mother tongue to English: Exploring the language challenges of learners in Kenya.”
- November 26 – December 8 2012. I facilitated a two week workshop training for ‘Opportunity Schools’ where I trained lower primary teachers from Narok and Kajiado on the teaching of reading in the lower primary.
- June, 2013. “Teacher Training and the Teaching of Reading in Lower Primary School” A paper presented at Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) conference, Nairobi.
- August 26 – 30, 2013. I was a participant in the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) conference and ToT workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in Universities held in Nairobi.
- September 13 – 26, 2013. I conducted several workshops in various schools in the Municipalities of Vasteras and Flen, Sweden on Multilingualism and Intercultural Learning.
- November, 2013. I successfully completed a course on Teaching Methodology organized by, Centre for Teaching Excellence and Evaluation.
- Wangia, J. I. (2014) Tense, Aspect and Case in Bantu and Significance in Translation: The Caso of Lulogooli Bible. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 2 (2), 138 – 146. Retrieved from
Myung Ki Oh and Wangia J. I. (2007) “Interlanguage Patterns in the Writing of Korean EFL Learners and Pedagogic Implications”. A paper published in The Journal of Linguistic Science Vol. 41, June, 2007 pp 111-131.
Wangia J. I. (2008 ) “Morphophonological Issues in Translation: The Lulogooli Bible” a paper published in The Bible Translator vol. 59, No. 1 pp 1-13.
Wangia, J. I. (2008). “Categories of Translation Problems in the Lulogooli Bible.” Chemchemi Vol. 5, No. 1 pp 69 – 84.
Wangia, J. I. (2009). Aspects of Mistranslation in a Religious Text. Saarbrucken, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktienggesellscaft & Co. KG
Wangia, J. I. (Forthcoming) “Transition from First Language to Second Language Teaching” a chapter in Teacher Training Manual, a Publication of MLE Network.
- Director, Centre for Institutional Based Programmes (CIBP) – appointed on October 23rd , 2013.
- External Examiner, Department of Linguistics, Maseno University – appointed in 2012.
- External Examiner, Department of Languages and Linguistics, Egerton University – appointed in 2013.