
Name: Dr. Joyce Imali Wangia
Title/Qualifications: PhD
Department/Unit/Section: English and Linguistics
Contact Address: P. O. Box 43844 - 00100
Position: Senior Lecturer
Area of Specialization: Translation Studies; Multilingual Education; Language Planning and Policy
Research Interests: Translation Studies, Language Development and Instruction

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  • January, 2016: Member of research team led by Prof. Grace Bunyi won VC’s research grant of Ksh. 1.5 M for a proposal titled: An assessment of the production of social science research by universities and its utilization by policy makers and practitioners in Kenya
  • Multilingual Education: I am a member of Multilingual Education Network (MLE) where we are conducting research in first and second language research with a view to informing and influencing language policy and practice. A major component of the research is the development of a teacher training manual on mother tongue education which I am a co-author. The manual highlights the significance of the language of instruction in the early grades.
  • I am also engaged in research in Translation into African Languages and I am working on developing a course book manual.
  • I was a team member of a just concluded country research in Teacher Preparation and Continuing Professional Development in Africa. This was a research into how teachers are trained to teach reading and math in the early grades.
  • I am working on a research paper entitled, “The Language of Instruction versus Learning in Lower Primary Schools in Kenya.”


  1. Feb. 23 - 25 2016. I presented a paper entitle, “Mother tongue vitality through a harmonized concordance: A hybrid for Kenyan urban populations” at the International Mother Language Day conference held at the University of Nairobi
  2. May 17 - 18 2016. I co-presented a paper entitled ‘Functions of tone in Lulogooli at a workshop on Tone held at Kenyatta University.
  3. Feb. 11- 13 2015 I participated in the International conference on Foreign Languages and Literature and presented a paper entitled: “From mother tongue to English: Exploring the language challenges of learners in Kenya.”
  4. November 26 – December 8 2012. I facilitated a two week workshop training for ‘Opportunity Schools’ where I trained lower primary teachers from Narok and Kajiado on the teaching of reading in the lower primary.
  5. June, 2013. “Teacher Training and the Teaching of Reading in Lower Primary School” A paper presented at Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) conference, Nairobi.
  6. August 26 – 30, 2013. I was a participant in the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) conference and ToT workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in Universities held in Nairobi.
  7. September 13 – 26, 2013. I conducted several workshops in various schools in the Municipalities of Vasteras and Flen, Sweden on Multilingualism and Intercultural Learning.
  8. November, 2013. I successfully completed a course on Teaching Methodology organized by, Centre for Teaching Excellence and Evaluation.


  1. Wangia, J. I. (2014) Tense, Aspect and Case in Bantu and Significance in Translation: The Caso of Lulogooli Bible. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 2 (2), 138 – 146. Retrieved from
  2. Myung Ki Oh and Wangia J. I. (2007) “Interlanguage Patterns in the Writing of Korean EFL Learners and Pedagogic Implications”. A paper published in The Journal of Linguistic Science Vol. 41, June, 2007 pp 111-131.
  3. Wangia J. I. (2008 ) “Morphophonological Issues in Translation: The Lulogooli Bible” a paper published in The Bible Translator vol. 59, No. 1 pp 1-13.
  4. Wangia, J. I. (2008). “Categories of Translation Problems in the Lulogooli Bible.” Chemchemi Vol. 5, No. 1 pp 69 – 84.
  5. Wangia, J. I. (2009). Aspects of Mistranslation in a Religious Text. Saarbrucken, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktienggesellscaft & Co. KG
  6. Wangia, J. I. (Forthcoming) “Transition from First Language to Second Language Teaching” a chapter in Teacher Training Manual, a Publication of MLE Network.


  • Director, Centre for Institutional Based Programmes (CIBP) – appointed on October 23rd , 2013.
  • External Examiner, Department of Linguistics, Maseno University – appointed in 2012.
  • External Examiner, Department of Languages and Linguistics, Egerton University – appointed in 2013.


Dr. Kenneth Kamuri Ngure

Dr. Kenneth Kamuri Ngure
Department of Literature, Linguistics, and Foreign Languages

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