Title: Dr |
- 1994/96/97/98/2000: Facilitator at Regional/National Drama Workshops (Kenya)
- Oct. – Nov. 2000: Chief Resource Person during the Regional Drama Seminars on “Stop Underage Smoking” sponsored by B.A.T. (K) let through the Ministry of Education – Kenya.
- 1988/95/96/97/99: Facilitator at British Council Sponsored Workshops that were held in various parts of Kenya.
- 1994/95/96/97: Resource Person for English/Elocution (Kenya Festival Foundation) at Senior Chief Koinange High School – Kenya.
- July/Aug 1994: The only tutor from Africa at the Young Play Wrights Festival in Townsville – North Queensland, Australia.
- Sep 1991: Sponsored by the British Council (London) to conferences on ‘Language In Education’, and ‘African Writers’ which were held at the University of Lancaster (England) and the Commonwealth Institute in London.
- May 1990: Selected by the British council as one of the delegates at the African-European Community Association Symposium (arranged in co-operation with the European Economic Community) in Brussels, Belgium.
Project Work
- June 1995:Appointed by Director – Department of Culture to the working Executive committee which eventually established the framework of the current Kenya Music and Cultural Festival which caters for Non-educational Institutions and clubs.
- March/April 1994:Appointed Head of team of three scholars who designed relevant syllabus for English Verse Speaking and Elocution, under the auspices of the Kenya Music Festival foundation (Ministry of education).
- 1993 - 1994:Designed Literature syllabuses and was instrumental in the setting up of relevant literature courses in the English Department at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (C.U.E.A.) – Nairobi.
- Language And Literature Teaching At All Levels
- Curriculum And Teacher Development (Kenya And Beyond)
- Theatre Arts/ Theatre For Community Development
- Stress Management/ Managing Without Stress
- External Examiner (In Several Universities).
- Editing Written Or Printed Materials.
- B.A. (HONS)- Makerere University, Kampala (Uganda)-(1972-1975)
- DIP. ED. (HONS)- Makerere University (Concurrent )
- M.A. (LIT)- University of Nairobi (1976-1978)
- CERT. (Primary Education)- Institute of Education University of LONDON (1985)
- Ph.D (Literature in Education) School of Education Southampton University,ENGLAND (1988-1992).
- TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1975-1982 (High school level) Head, English Dept.(Kakamega High School).1982 UP- TO- DATE: Kenyatta University.
- Aug. 2007:Facilitator (English), Sahil Region, Republic of Somaliland under the International Aid, Services(I.A.S)- European Community Project venue:(SHEIKH TOWN) .
- Nov. 2007:Same I.A.S. Project in Somaliland (Venue: BERBERA CITY)
- Feb. 2008:Same I.A.S project in Somaliland (venue: BERBERA CITY)