Department: Literature, Linguistics & Foreign Languages Download full CV |
Articles & Papers In Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Wachira, I. G, Mugo Muhia and Kimani Kaigai. (2021). Rumour – and (Dis)-Unities of Blackness: A Reading of Globalization in Mia Couto’s The Last Flight of the Flamingo. Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies. Vol. 2 No. 3. Published online December 9, 2021. Pg 9-29.
- Wachira, I., Muhia, M., & Kaigai, K. (2021). “My-house-without-a-door-an-egg”: Reading an African perspective of the chronotope in selected works of Amos Tutuola, Ben Okri and Alain Mabanckou. Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1). Pp 34-50
- Wachira, I., Mugo Muhia., & Kimani Kaigai. (2020). “Sexing African Time and Space”: The Fetish of Colonial Gender”. Journal of Law and Social Sciences. Vol. 4(2). Pp 29-39. ISSN: 2226-6402
- Muhia, M. (2020). The Subdued Nature: Reading Henry ole Kulet’s Vanishing Herds through Eco-Marxist Lense. African Identities. DOI: 10.1080/14725843.2020.17773242
- Muhia, M and Gathogo J. (2018). The Use of Indigenous Resourcesin Environmental Conservation in Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Murogi wa Kagogo: A Religio-Cultural Perspective. Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences (JJEOSHS), 1(1).
- Wachira, E., Kimani Kaigai and Mugo Muhia. “Phantoms of Hysteria – Novelistic Phantasmagoria in Lesego Rampolokeng’s Whiteheart: Epilogue to Hysteria.” Ed. Michael Bintley. Cogents Arts & Humanities. Vol 5, 2018
- Sep. 2017. Wachira, I, Kaigai Kimani amd Mugo Muhia. “Spectres of Insanity: Expression od Dissidence in Lesego Rampolokeng’s Blackheart (Epilogue to Insanity)”, International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol. 1-Issue 5, pp. 12-22. ISSN(ONLINE): 2521-0793, ISSN (PRINT): 2521-0785
- 2014:Muhia, M.‘‘Choru wa Muiruri: Relections on the Kamirithu Experience.’’ African theatre. Vol. 13. Eds. Martin Burnham, James Gibbs, Yvette Hutchson, Femi Osofisan & Jane Plasow. Pp (37-41).
- Gibbs,J. & Muhia, M.‘‘Wole Soyinka & Ngugi wa Thiong’o: Plays in Production.’’ African theatre. Vol. 13. Eds. Martin Burnham, James Gibbs, Yvette Hutchson, Femi Osofisan & Jane Plaistow. Pp. (60-76).
- Oct. 2013: Muhia, M.,Fugich Wako & Joseph Walunywa: ‘‘Reconfiguration of Oral Genres in Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Caitaani Mutharaba-ini/Devil on the Cross.’’ Ruwaza Africa: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN no: 225-7144). Vol. 2, No. 1Pp(84-104)
Book Chapters
- Muhia, M. & Macharia Mwangi. “Tranlation Aesthetics: Reading Texts and Contexts in Ngugi’s Caitaani Mutharaba-ini and Devil on the Cross.” In Language and Translation: Theory, Pedagogy & Practice. Eds Kebaya, Hilda, M. Osore, P. Ngugi and C. Kebaya. Nsaema Publishers, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-926906-47-8
- Muhia, M, Fugich Wako and Joseph Walunywa. “Visions of a Better Society: Myths, Proverbs and Resistance in Matigari ma Njiruungi.” Democracy, Civil Society and Development in Africa. Ed. Maurice Nyamanga Amutabi. Nairobi: Catholic University of East Africa, 2015. (296-311)
Grant Award
- 68 Million Kenya National Research Fund Grant: Hansard Report Production Process in the Devolved Government Structures in Kenya and the Implications for Democratic Governance
Grant Application
- Has applied for a UNESCO Grant under The International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) as co-PI on 13th June, 2019. Mapping Audio-visual Industry in Kenya and in Kenya and its Socio-Economic Potential.
Conference, Workshops, and Training
- 11-12th, 2021: Presented a paper during 6th World Disability and Rehabilitation Conference- Virtual titled: Disability and Grotesquery: Corporeal Otherness in Selected Kenyan Short Films.
- 27-29: 2021: Presented a paper during 2nd Congress of the POCLANDE Conference held .at Kenyatta University titled: The Ogiek of Kenya: The Dilemma of Sustainable Livelihoods in Henry ole Kulet’s the Elephant Dance
- Feb 19, 2021: Presented a paper during the International Mother Language Day at Kenyatta University titled: The Nature of Gîkûyû Language: Writing and the Politics of Orthography.
- Oct 22-25, 2019 – Presented a paper at Kenyatta University Biennial Research and Innovation Conference drawn from our ongoing NRF, Kenya funded research. Papers Presented: Politics and Architecture: Do Kenya’s County Assemblies’ External and Internal Visual Design carry Democratic Socio-Political and Cultural symbolism? And Hansard Production Human Resource Capacity the Devolved Government structure in Kenya and its Implication for Democratic Governance
- Oct -Nov. 2016 Attended a Three week Research Methodological Training offered by Partnership for African social & Governance Research (Pasgor): Modules taken : Designing Social Inquiry,Critical Policy Engaged Research, Multi-Methods Strategies and Interpretive Methods and Ethnography.
- September 2013: University of Nairobi. Conference, East Africa at 50. Paper presented: ‘‘Reclaiming the Destroyed Shrines: An Ecocritical Analysis of Ngugi’s Murogi wa Kagogo.’’
- July 2012: Kenyatta University Kenya: Paper presented: Visions of a Better Society: Proverbs and Resistance in Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Matigari
- May 16th – 24th 2012: Egerton University, Njoro. Workshop: Methodology and Key Words in Qualitative Research. By Prof Susan Vanzyl from University of Witwatersland
- September 2011: Kenyatta Univesity, Kenya
• Introduction Course on Instructional Systems Design.
• Introduction Course on e-Learning and Pedagogy - August 2o11: University of Cape Town, South Africa. Conference Theme: North, South Conversations and Dialogue. Paper Presented: ‘‘Introduction to Ngugi’s Vernacular Writing and Politics of Gikuyu Orthography.’’
- May 2011: Kenyatta University, Kenya. Presented a Paper in the Department of Literature Seminar Room: ‘‘The Mythic and Fantastic: Representation in Ngugi’s Murogi wa Kagogo.’’
- March 2011: Kenyatta University Kenya:
• Quality Management Systems Awareness - May 2010, May 2011, May 2012
Seminar: Teaching Practice Orientation: Ethics, discipline during teaching practice.
• Public relations during teaching practice
• Schemes of work, lesson plan and standardization
• Aspects to consider in a science lesson supervision
• Supervision of B. ed and Diploma in Early Childhood Education
• Supervision in Special Needs Education
- Committee Member: One Day International Mother Language Day Conference supported by Bangladesh High Commission in Kenya. Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, 19th February, 2021.