Department :Department of Music and Dance Contact Address: Area of Specialization:Ethnomusicology |
Charles Nyakiti Orawo, Professor of Music in the Department of Music and Dance, Kenyatta University, Nairobi (Kenya) was born in 1947. He holds PTE (Siriba Teachers College; Dip Ed (Music), University of Nairobi; MA and Ph.D. (The Queen’s University of Belfast) in Ethnomusicology and is one of the last students of the late Professor John Blacking.
He is an ethnomusicologist, supported with extensive field research experiences in Music traditions of Africa. He has organized and participated in many International Conference and Symposiums both locally and world wide. Prof. Nyakiti has authored ten books on the music traditions of Kenyan communities; contributed chapters and articles to books and renowned International Journals.
He is a member of many International Organizations such as, International Music Council (IMC), currently the President of the Kenyan Music Committee; International Centre for African Music and Dance (ICAMD), Legon Accra Ghana, where he is a member of the advisory board and also the coordinator of the East African Secretariat of ICAMD, housed at Kenyatta University; a member and a coordinator of International Organization of Folk Art (IOV) for Kenya; a member and liaison officer (Kenya) for International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM).
He was appointed by the Minister for Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services (Kenya) to the Committee of the Kenya Music and Cultural Festivals where he doubles up as the chairman of the technical committee. He was elected to Kenyatta University Council as a non-Senate representative. He was appointed the 2nd Vice President to the Scientific Symposium of FESPAM 2007. He is the Chairman, KU 2007 Culture Week; Chairman, Departmental Postgraduate Committee and the Departmental Representative to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences Board of Undergraduate Studies.
He has been the Secretary of Constituency Development Fund (CDF), Muhoroni Constituency, a member of the Board of Governors Kisumu Boys High School and the Patron, Prof. Ayiecho Obumba Mixed Secondary School in addition to researching, teaching, supervising graduate students and many other community responsibilities.
Completed Research Papers
Nyakiti, C.O., (November 2019): “Music of Africa and the World” Key note address Central Conservatory of Music-Beijing- Peoples’ Republic of China.
Nyakiti, C.O., November 2019: “Effects of Community Migration on Music Traditions in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.”
Nyakiti, C.O., February 2018: Simiyu, R. and Charles Nyakiti Orawo - “The Significance of Stylistic Evolution of Kamabeka on the Bukusu Culture from1945 to 2015.”
Nyakiti, C.O. (2018), “Pioneering role of Kabaar Catholic Mission School in Kenyan Music Education”
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2018), “Effects of community migration on music traditions in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.”
- Katuli, K.J. & Nyakiti, C.O. (2018) • “The Nzaiko of the Akamba: Music and Gender Identity Construction in the Community.”
- Simiyu,R.&Nyakiti,C.O. (2018) • “The Significance of Stylistic Evolution of Kamabeka on the Bukusu Culture from1945 to 2015.”
July 2017: Legio Maria verses Juogi Luo Ancestral Possession Spirits
July 2017: The Significance of Fauna and Flora in the production of Musical Instruments in Africa
February 2016: Modernity in Music Cultures in Africa.
April 2015: Kenya (National and Regional Report). Bulletin of the ICTM No 128. April 2015 (ISSN {Om line}:2304-1039. Pp18-26
- September/Novembe, 2015: “Jathum: A Specialist Luo Music Composer Performer .”
- July, 2015: “Wend Amen: the Role of Music in Wrestling Festivals of the Luo of Western Kenya and North Western Tanzania”
- April 2015: Kenya (National and Regional Report). Bulletin of the ICTM No 128. April 2015 (ISSN {Om line}:2304-1039. Pp18-26
- April 2015 “Music in the Propagation of Rights and Democracy in Africa”.
- July 2014. “Wend miend rut: the role of Music in the Celebration of Twins among the Luo of Western Kenya and North Western Tanzania”
- July 2013. “Miend Winyo: The Bird Dance of the Luo
- July 2013. “Music and Bull Fighting among the Abaluhyia of Kenya.” 42nd World Conference of the ICTM Shanghai the Peoples’ Republic of China.
- November 2012.”Folk Culture and the Challenges of Globalization.” International Symposium of Folk Culture. Bahrain.
- July, 2012. Modernity and Music Education in Africa The 6th Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam.
- July 2011: “Onanda: A Contemporary Luo Musical Genre”. ICTM 41st World Conference. St John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
- July 2011: “Music Renaissance in Africa: A Reaction to Cultural Imperialism”. FESPAM. Brazzaville Congo.
- March 2011: “Traditional Music Education and Worship.” The Kenya Association for Musical Arts Education (KAMAE). Kabarak University
- Nov.2010:” Festival Organization.” Douala, Cameroon.
- April 2010: “The Need to Document, Preserve and Disseminate Kenya’s Song-dance Heritage.” A paper presented at the 6th National Symposium on Kenyan Music on the theme Kenyan Music the Living Treasure organized by the Permanent Presidential Music Commission at GTI Mombasa.
- July 2010: 4th Ethnomusicology Symposium in Tanzania. Title “Music Research in Kenya” Scholar.”An Individual Presentation- Scholar. Submission in English.
- April 2008 “Healing Dances: A Case Study of the Luo Juogi and the Dawida Mwazindika Dances.” A paper presented at the Permanent Presidential Music Commission. The 4th National Symposium on African Music on 13th – 19th April, 2008 at Machakos Technical Training Institute.
- Oct. 2007 Musical Diversity: A Kenyan Case Many Musics- The UNESCO Convention: Protector and Promoter? IMC 2nd World Forum on Music and 32nd General Assembly of the International Music Council Beijing China. 10 -17 October 2007.
- July 2007 “The Role of Music in the Liberation Struggle of Africa.” Sixth Festival of Pan-African Music Brazzaville,7-14 July 2007 Theme: “Musics of Emancipation and Liberation Movements in Africa and her Diaspora.”
- May 2007 “Innovation: A Measure for the Control of Cultural Changes in the Survival for the Luo Thum Traditions.” Topic- Cultural changes and Maintenance of Traditional Values. The 4th IOVUNESCO -World Meeting and General Assembly of IOV from9th to 14th May 2007 in Athens Greece Cultural Dialogue in Context of Globalization Conference.
- April, 2007 “Sengenya Music Genre of the Midzi Chenda of Kenya.” Theme: Kenyan Traditional Music and Dance a Living Treasure Permanent Presidential Music Commission. The 3rd National Symposium on African
- African Music Students at the Queen’s University of Belfast during the 1984 UNESCO Celebrations Music on 9th-14th April, 2007 at Kagumo Teachers College, Nyeri.
- March,2006 “The Characteristics and Specificities of a traditional African Choir”. The International Choral Bulletin Dossier Africa. Vol. XXV No 3 2006. (ISSN 0896-0968). p11.
- Sept. 2005 “Music and Dance: A Prerequisite in the Development of Crowd Self in Struggles Against Human Oppressions.” A paper presented at 2005 IOV World Congress 28th September to 3rd October, 2005 at Andong Korea &Asia.
Papers Read In Conferences, Symposiums, and Seminars
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2019) • “Music of Africa and the world”. The International Symposium on Music of Africa and the World - WORLD MUSIC DAYS 2019 - BEIJING (12-19 NOVEMBER 2019)
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2019)• “Effects of Community Migration on Music Traditions in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The International Symposium on Music of Africa and the World - WORLD MUSIC DAYS 2019 - BEIJING (12-19 NOVEMBER 2019)
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2017) • Legio Maria verses Juogi Luo Ancestral Possession Spirits. International Council for Traditional Music, 44th World Conference 13- 19 July 2017, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick Ireland.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2017) • The Significance of Fauna and Flora in the production of Musical Instruments in Africa
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2015) • Wend Amen: The role of music in Wrestling Festivals of the Luo of Western Kenya and North Western Tanzania The 9th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2015
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2014) • Wend Miend Rut: The role of Music in the celebration of twins among the Luo of Kenya and Northern Tanzania. The 8th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2014
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2013) • Miend Winyo: The Bird Dance of the Luo. The 42nd ICTM 2013 World Conference- Shanghai - China July 2013.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2012) • Modernity and Music Education in Africa. The 6th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2012
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) • African Response to the Almighty Musical Industries of Other Continents. The 5th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2011.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) • Onanda: A Contemporary Luo Musical Genre. ICTM 41st World Conference. St John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) • Music Renaissance in Africa: A Reaction to Cultural Imperialism. FESPAM. Brazzaville Congo.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) • Traditional Music Education and Worship. The Kenya Association for Musical Arts Education (KAMAE). Kabarak University. March 2011
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) • “Healing Dances: A Case Study of the Luo Juogi and the Dawida Mwazindika Dances.” Journal of Business and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No 9
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) • “Tero buru: the Luo musical extravaganza and a rite in a rite.”
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) • “Innovation: a measure for the control of Cultural changes in survival for Luo Thum traditions”.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2010) • Festival Organization. Douala, Cameroon. November 2010
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2010) • Music Research in Kenya. The 4th Ethnomusicology Symposium Dar es Salaam. Tanzania. July 2010
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2010) The Need to Document, Preserve and Disseminate Kenya song-dance Heritage. GTI Mombasa. April2010
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2009) • The State of Copyrights and related rights in Congo, Brazzaville. August 2009
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2009) • Ethnomusicology and the 21st Century African Music Scholar. University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. July 2009
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2009) • Durban South Africa July 2009Thum: The Luo “Popular” and “Traditional” View of Music.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2008 • Tero Buru: The Luo Musical Extravaganza and a Rite in a Rite. Eldoret. April 2009
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2008) • Musics of Emancipation and Liberation Movements in Africa and her Diaspora. Lubbock, Texas USA May 2008
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2008) • Healing Dances: A Case Study of the Luo Juogi and the Dawida Mwazindika Dances. Machakos. April 2008
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2007) • Musical Diversity: A Kenyan Case Many Musics. Beijing China. October 2007
- • The Role of Music in the Liberation Struggle of Africa. Congo Brazzaville, July 2007
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2007) • Innovation: A Measure for the Control of Cultural Changes in the Survival for the Luo Thum Traditions. (Volos- Athens), Greece. May 2007
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2007) • “Place of Traditional African Musical Instruments in Church Service”. Chemichemi International Journal of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISBN 1563- 1028). Kenyatta University. Vol. 4 No1. pp83- 9.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2007) • Sengenya Music Genre of the Midzi Chenda of Kenya. Nyiri . April 2007.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2006) • The Traditional African Choir - Characteristics and Specificities
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2005) • Music and Dance: A Prerequisite in the Development of Crowd Self In Struggles against Human Oppressions. Andong Korea. September 2005
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2005) • Culture and Arts in Development: a Kenyan Case. Nairobi. March 2005
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2004) • Music Therapy in Kenya. AVU, Kenyatta University. November 2004
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2003) • Challenges of Adoption and Adaptation of Western Musical Instruments in Africa Congo. Brazzaville and the DRC. Kinshasa. August 2003
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2003) • "Music Education in Africa - Problems and Issues".
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2003) • A Perspective of Performance Styles of Selected Luo Contemporary Genres Kisumu Kenya. July 2003.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2003) • The Role of Music in the Development of the Region. Kisumu.. March 2003
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2002) • Music Creativity among the Traditional Luo Kenyatta University, November 2002
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2002) • Mythical Future of Music in the Kenya. Kisumu. August 2002
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2002) • Cultural Growth through Music Maseno University. March 2002
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2001) • Nyanza the Nashville of Kenya. Kisumu. December 2001
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2001) • Music Education in Africa- Problems and Issues. Lusaka, Zambia. April 2001
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2000) • The role of African Traditional Instruments in Church Music. Egerton University. March 2000
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2000) • “Themes and Functions of Music Traditions in East Africa.”
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1999) • Themes and Functions of Music Traditions in East Africa. Congo Brazzaville. August 1999
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • “Solo Music and Musicians in Luo Society.”
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • Training of Musicians in Africa. Abidjan–Cote d’Ivoire. December 1998
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • Music Industry in Kenya. Abidjan – Cote d’Ivoire. December1998
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • “Mwazindika: a therapeutic dance of the Dawida of Kenya.”
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • Awach of Ringa Kojwach Kamuga: Tete. Manila Philippines. August 1998
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • The Significance and Role of Myths and Legends Among the Luo of Kenya and Tanzania. Manila Philippines. September1998
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • Music Education as a means of attaining insights in Humanity. Pretoria South Africa. May 1998
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1998) • Evolutionary changes in Kenyan Music and Dance: Causes and Effects. Nairobi.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1997) • Mwazindika: a Therapeutic Dance of the Dawida Legon Accra Ghana,
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1996) • Music in Culture.” Nairobi.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1996) • “Ondoro: Luo Musical Genre.” Legon Accra Ghana.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1996) • “Music Education in Modern Kenya Legon, Accra. Ghana,
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1995) • The Role of Music in Shaping Cultural Values of a Nation. Nairobi. November 1995
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1994) • Ondoro: Luo Musical Genre. Kenyatta University October 1994.
- Nyakiti, C.O. (1994) • Training of a Traditional Luo Lyre Player. Kenyatta University. October 1994
Research Papers Published in Journals
Katuli, K.J. & Nyakiti, C.O. (February 2018) • “The Nzaiko of the Akamba: Music and Gender Identity Construction in the Community.” International Journal of Innovative Research Knowledge. Volume 3. Issue 2. ISSN – 2213-1356. Pp.
Simiyu, R & Nyakiti,C.O. ( February 2018) • “The Significance of Stylistic Evolution of Kamabeka on the Bukusu Culture from1945 to 2015.” International Journal of Science Arts and Commerce. Vol. 3. No 2 pp.
Nyakiti, C.O. (2017) Legio Maria verses Juogi Luo Ancestral Possession Spirits. International Council for Traditional Music, 44th World Conference 13- 19 July 2017, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick Ireland. The Significance of Fauna and Flora in the production of Musical Instruments in Africa
Nyakiti, C.O. (2015) Wend Amen: The role of music in Wrestling Festivals of the Luo of Western Kenya and North Western Tanzania The 9th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2015
Nyakiti, C.O. (2014) Wend Miend Rut: The role of Music in the celebration of twins among the Luo of Kenya and Northern Tanzania. The 8th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2014
Nyakiti, C.O. (2013) Miend Winyo: The Bird Dance of the Luo. The 42nd ICTM 2013 World Conference- Shanghai - China July 2013.
Nyakiti, C.O. (2012) Modernity and Music Education in Africa. The 6th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2012
Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) African Response to the Almighty Musical Industries of Other Continents. The 5th International Ethnomusicology Symposium. University of Dar es Salaam. July 2011.
Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) Onanda: A Contemporary Luo Musical Genre. ICTM 41st World Conference. St John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) Music Renaissance in Africa: A Reaction to Cultural
Imperialism. FESPAM. Brazzaville Congo. -
Nyakiti, C.O. (2011) Traditional Music Education and Worship. The Kenya Association for Musical Arts Education (KAMAE). Kabarak University. March 2011
- 2011: “Healing Dances: A Case Study of the Luo Juogi and the Dawida Mwazindika Dances.” Journal of Business and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No 9
- 2011: “Tero buru: the Luo musical extravaganza and a rite in a rite.” International Journal of Current Research. (ISSN-0975-833X) , Vol.3, Issue 5, pp.164-169
- 2011: “Innovation: a measure for the control of Cultural changes in survival for Luo Thum traditions”. International Journal of Current Research. (ISSN -0975-833X), Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp.160-164.
- 2007: “Place of Traditional African Musical Instruments in Church Service”. Chemchemi International Journal of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISBN 1563-1028). Kenyatta University. Vol. 4 No1. pp83- 9.
- 2006 “The Traditional African Choir - Characteristics and Specificities.” International Choral Bulletin (ICB) Dossier Africa Vol. XXV No. 3 -3rd Quarter. (ISSN 0896-0968). p11.
- Jan. 2003 "Music Education in Africa- Problems and Issues". Maseno Journal of Education, Arts and Science. Vol. 4 No. 2 (ISSN 1019-360X)
- Sept. 2000 “Themes and Functions of Music Traditions in East Africa.” TIMBILA: The International Journal of African Music and Dance of ICAMD.: Vol.1 No. 2. Legon, Accra .Ghana
- 1998/99: “Solo Music and Musicians in Luo Society.” Journal of the School of performing Arts, Vol.3. No. 1.pp 23-36. (IBSN: 0855-2606). Legon. .Accra Ghana.
- Aug.1998: “Mwazindika: a therapeutic dance of the Dawida of Kenya.” International Centre for African Music and Dance: Music Therapy Newsletter Vol. 1 Issue 1
- 1996/97: “Ondoro: Luo Musical Genre.” Journal of the School of performing Arts Vol. 2. No. 2 pp 1-11: (ISSN0855 – 2606). Legon Accra Ghana.
Published Books and Memographs
- Nyakiti, C.O. (2016), “Wend Miend Rut: The role of Music in the celebration of twins among the Luo of Kenya and Northern Tanzania.” Music Cultures fro Eastern Africa. Eds. Imani Sanga and Mathayo Ndomando. University of Dar es Salaam: Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili.
2011: Music Traditions of Africa: A Study of the Music of the Dawida. ISBN 978-3-639- 36406-4 VDM VERLAG DR MUELLER: Saarbrucken, Germany.
2011: Music Traditions of Africa: A Study of the Music of the People of Busia. ISBN 978-3- 639- 35169-9 VDM VERLAG DR MUELLER: Saarbrucken, Germany
2010: “Music Research in Kenya: A Need to Collect, Preserve and Disseminate Kenya’s Song-Dance Heritage”. Reading in Ethnomusicology: A Collection of Papers Presented at Ethnomusicology Symposium 2010. Dar es Salaam: Institute of Kiswahili Studies.
2006 Musicality in African Perspective 1. ( I.S.B.N. 9966-847-10-3) Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd: Kisumu
2006 Orutu Music Tradition: Fiddlers and Fiddling Among the Luo and Suba Communities of Kenya ( I.S.B.N. 9966- 847-09-X). Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd: Kisumu.
2005 “Performance Styles of Selected Luo Contemporary Genres.” Emerging Solutions for musical Arts Education in Africa(ISBN 1-920051-11-2). Ed. Anri Herbert PASMAE: Cape Town.
2004 Enyimbo Ezia Awasuba: Music Traditions of the Suba (ISBN9966-62-6), Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu
2004 Musicality in African Perspective (ISBN 9966- 846- 67-7). Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu.
2004 “Challenges of Adoption and Adaptation of Western Musical Instruments in Africa.” Henerares et convergences des musiquees traditionnelles et modernes d’Africaque (ISBN 2- 7475 – 7584– 5). Brazzaville: FESPAM – L’HARMATN pp209-219.
2002 LWIMBO: Busia-Luhya Song Dance Traditions. Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu.
2002 MIEL: The Luo Dance. Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu
2002 BUL: The Luo Drum. Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu.
2002 NGOMA: A Short Musical Survey of the Dawida. Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu
2002 MUSIC OF KILIFI: The Midzi Chenda and their Music. Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu
2000 Traditional Beer Songs of the Luo People of Kenya. Lake Publishers and Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu.
1997 “Dances of Kenya: A General Overview and Essays on The seven Traditional Dances of selected ethnic groups Of Kenya.”The Spirit’s Dance in Africa Montreal: Galarie Amrad African Art Publications.