Position: Lecturer Department: Department of Psychology, School: School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) Contact Address: Kenyatta University, P.O Box 43844-00100, Nairobi Email: Area of Specialization: Counseling Psychology, Substance Abuse and Addictions Research Interests: Mental Health, Substance Use in Athletic Performance (Doping), Behaviour Change in Substance Use Disorders, Recovery Oriented Care Systems in Substance Disorders, Family and Alcohol Use Disorder, Peacebuilding Leadership Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DKQJkhkAAAAJ&hl=en ORCID Id: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9594-8846
Academic & Professional Qualifications
- 2015: PhD in Counseling Psychology, Kenyatta University
- 2008: MA in Counseling Psychology, Daystar University
- 1995: Bachelor of Education (Arts) Kenyatta University
- 2015 December: Graduate Certificate in Peace-building and Leadership Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), Virginia, USA
- 2014: Certificate in Conflict Analysis: Understanding Conflict: EMU, Virginia, USA
- 2014: Certificate in Philosophy & Praxis of Forgiveness & Reconciliation EMU, Virginia, USA
- 2014: Practice: Certificate in Skills for Peacebuilding: EMU, Virginia, USA
- 2014 July: Certificate in Substance Abuse & Addictions Training. Kenya Methodist University
- 2006: Certificate of Competence & Confidence in the Use of ICT, Cambridge Institute of Technology
- 2005: Higher Diploma in Psychological Counseling, Kenya institute of Professional Counseling
- 2005: Certificate in Trainer of Trainers (TOT), Kenya institute of Professional Counseling
- 1995: Bachelor of Education (Arts) Kenyatta University
Employment History
- Sept 2015 to date: Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Kenyatta University
- Dec 2014-Sept 2015: Tutorial Fellow, Kenyatta University
- 2009-2014: Lecturer, Department of Counseling, Kenya Methodist University.
- 1996-2009: Senior Secondary School Teacher, Teacher Service Commission
Professional Membership
- 2023: Member: International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and other Drugs (INEBRIA)
- 2020: Member College of Experts: Member of the College of Experts of the National Institute of Health Research (NHIR) UK
- 2006 to Date: Member Kenya Professional Counselors and Psychologists Association (KCPA)
- 2016 to Date: Member Daima Amani Women Network (DAWN)
- 2020 to date: Member International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP)
- December 2020, Co-Course Developer: Successful Funding for Course Development Application: The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) & International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE)
- March 2019, Principal Investigator: World Anti-doping Agency (WADA): 2018 Social Science Research Grant, 2018. Topic: “Gender Outcomes of Using Brief Motivational Interventions (BMI) on Beliefs and Attitudes against Doping among Athletes in Secondary Schools in Kenya”
- September 2019, Principal Investigator: Research Project Selected for funding by National Research Fund (NRF) of Kenya for the 2nd Multidisciplinary call. Topic area: “Implementing Comprehensive Recovery-Oriented Practices for Health Promotion, Resiliency and Productivity of Persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in Kenya
- 2014-2015: Nominated for a 2 year Women Peacebuilding and Leadership Program (WPLP) by USAID in collaboration with Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, USA.
Publications/ Academic Reports and Manuals
- Mwasiaji, E. T., Githae, E. N., & Ogutu, J. O. (2022). Research direction on entrepreneurs’ mental health and wellbeing for global sustainability agenda. International Academic Journal of Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 339-356.
- Mwende Mugendi, S., & Githae, E. (2021). Demographic Factors Associated With Non-Completion Among Postgraduate Student In Selected Public Universities In Kenya. Isagoge - Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(6), 79–101.
- Mugendi, S., & Githae, E. (2021). Prevalence of non-completion among postgraduate students in selected public universities in Kenya. European journal of education studies, 8(12).
- Githae, E. N. & Namukoa, S.N. (2021). Exploring Spousal Communication as a Predictor in Relapse Occurrence among Individuals in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders: Implications for Treatment Programs. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse –AJADA, 5, 57-80.
- Mugendi, S. M. & Githae, E. N. (2021). Relationship between Psychological Distress and Non-Completion among Postgraduate Students in Selected Public Universities in Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2 (1) 43-52.
- Githae, E. N. (2019). Psychosocial Burden among Close Family Members of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder in Inpatient Treatment Centers in Kenya. African Journal of Educational & Social Science Research 7(2)60-65.
- Githae, E. N. (2019). Perceived Harmful-Criticism in Family Interactional Patterns and Relapse Risk among Recovering Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorder in Kiambu County, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology 2(02)1-18.
- Githae, E. N. (2016). Family Expressed Emotion in Relapse of Alcoholism. International Organization of Scientific Research, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR-JHSS), 21(9)33-41.
- Githae, E. N., Sirera, M., & Wasanga, C. (2016). Family Over-involvement and Relapse among Inpatient Alcoholics in Nairobi, Kenya. International Organization of Scientific Research, Journal of Humanities & Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 21(7)44-50.
- Githae, E. N. (2020). Research Report 2: World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) Social Science Research, 2018-2019: Topic: Gender Outcomes of Using Brief Motivational Interventions (BMI) on Beliefs and Attitudes against Doping among Athletes in Secondary Schools in Kenya
- Githae, E. N., & Ndungo, C. W. (2019). Research Report 1: World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) Social Science Research, 2018-2019: Topic: Gender Outcomes of Using Brief Motivational Interventions (BMI) on Beliefs and Attitudes against Doping among Athletes in Secondary Schools in Kenya
- Githae, E. N. (2020): Teaching Manual: Rwanda Correctional Services. NCO 023: Guidance and Counseling in Prison Settings.
- Githae, E. N. (2020): Teaching Module: Health Psychology, Kenyatta University Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning
- Githae, E. N., Kimotho, S. & Musili, P. (2020): Teaching Interactive Module: Counselling Skills and Techniques, Kenyatta University Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning
- Githae, E. N. (2020): Teaching Interactive Module: Assessment and Diagnosis of Personality and Psychopathology, Kenyatta University Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning
- Githae, E. N. (2019): Trainer’s Guide: Rwanda Correctional Services. NCO 023: Guidance and Counseling in Prison Settings.
Research: Funded Projects
- December 2020: Team Member: Funded for Course Development Application: The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) & International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE)
- 2019: Principal Investigator (PI): National Research Fund (NRF), Kenya for further processing of the 2020 Big Four projects. Topic area: “Implementing Comprehensive Recovery-Oriented Practices for Health Promotion, Resiliency and Productivity of Persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in Kenya
- 2018-2020: Principal Investigator (PI): World Anti-doping Agency (WADA): 2018 Social Science Research Grant, 2018. Topic: Gender Outcomes of Using Brief Motivational Interventions (BMI) on Beliefs and Attitudes against Doping among Athletes in Secondary Schools in Kenya.
- 2014-2015: Funded Training: Nominated for a 2 year Women Peacebuilding and Leadership Program (WPLP) by USAID in collaboration with Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, USA.
Conferences/Workshops/Seminar Papers
- 2022: Presented a paper in the 4th International Health Promotion Conference. Topic: Promoting entrepreneurs’ mental health and wellbeing for 2030 global sustainability agenda amidst coronavirus pandemic.
- 2020, Eldoret: Training Seminar for Games Coaches on Research Intervention for Using Brief Motivational Interventions (BMI) on Beliefs and Attitudes against Doping among Athletes in Secondary Schools in Kenya (KU/WADA Research Project)
- 2019 October, Iten: Workshop Role of School Principals and Games Coaches in Shaping Beliefs and Attitudes Against Doping among School Athletes
- 2019, KUCC: Workshop for manual development: Brief Motivational Intervention for School Coaches
- 2018: Kenyatta University 1st Regional Conference on Drug Demand Reduction and Supply Suppression that the Department of Psychology: Community Understandings of Alcohol Dependence among Families and Communities and Implication on Treatment and Recovery in Kenya.
- 2017: Georg Arnhold International Summer School, 2017: Braunschweig, Germany. Topic: Contextual and Systemic Factors Enhancing Effectiveness of Education in Emergencies (EiE) Practices in Conflict Prone Areas of Kenya.
- 2016: Codependence: Understanding cycle of addiction. Presentation done at Asumbi Rehabilitation Center.
- 2015: Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia USA: Women Peacebuilding and Leadership program 2014-2015. Presented a paper on “Analysis of Key drivers of Gender Based Violence in Kenya” as a product of a research project.
- 2015: Presented a paper at the National Campaign Against Drugs and Alcohol abuse (NACADA). Topic: Role of Family Over-involvement in Occurrence of Relapse among Recovering Alcoholics in Kiambu County, Kenya.
- 2016: Psychosocial Consequences of taking alcohol and other drugs. Paper presented at Kenyatta University Drug Awareness Week.
- 2015: Impact of Positive Leadership and its Impact on Organizational Success. EDULINK II Project, Kenyatta University.
- 2014: Gender-based violence: Breaking the Cycle. Paper presented in a symposium “Healing the Human Person” at Kenya Methodist University
- 2014: “Analysis of Key drivers of Gender Based Violence in Kiambu County”: intervention project and unpublished paper written under Eastern Mennonite University
- Currently directing a team developing a leadership book “Strengthening Leadership Competencies in Higher Education; A manual for education managers”.
- 2019: Karura Community Chapel: Triggers of Mental Ill-Health and Coping Strategies for Wellness: Presentation made at Karura Community Chapel, Nairobi.
- 2018: Asumbi Treatment Center: Codependence: Understanding cycle of addiction. Presentation done at Asumbi Rehabilitation Center.
Affiliations/ Editorial Positions
- 2023: Member: International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and other Drugs (INEBRIA)
- 2021: Appointment as Peer Reviewer for Africa Journal of Clinical Psychology (AJCP)
- 2020: Peer Review for the Global Effort on COVID-19 (GECO) Health Research Initiative
- 2019 to date: Editorial Board and Peer Reviewer: African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA). A Journal of National Authority for the Campaign Against Drugs and Alcohol Abuse (NACADA)
- 2019: NACADA Research Partnership: National Research Fund (NRF): Implementing Comprehensive Recovery-Oriented Practices for Health Promotion, Resiliency and Productivity of Persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in Kenya
- World Anti-doping Agency (WADA): 2018 Social Science Research Grant, 2018. Topic: Gender Outcomes of Using Brief Motivational Interventions (BMI) on Beliefs and Attitudes against Doping among Athletes in Secondary Schools in Kenya.
- 2019: Directorate of Mental Health Kenya: Research Partnership: National Research Fund (NRF): Implementing Comprehensive Recovery-Oriented Practices for Health Promotion, Resiliency and Productivity of Persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in Kenya
- 2019: Ministry of Health (Kiambu General Hospital and Kilifi County Hospital as Research Partners) Research Partnership with National Research Fund (NRF): Implementing Comprehensive Recovery-Oriented Practices for Health Promotion, Resiliency and Productivity of Persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in Kenya
Community Service
- 2023: Spearheaded the Mental Health Awareness Campaign in May, 2023.Led external and internal (Kenyatta University) stakeholders on the Walk & Talk forum and other sensitization campaigns for mental wellness.
- 2023: Guest Speaker on Healthy Relationships at Mt Kenya University ‘Mind & Beyond’ program for youth
- 2023: Mental Health Awareness and Sensitization at Karura Community Chaper, Nairobi.
- 2022: Developed an Aptitude Test that tested over 1500 job recruitment for National Cohesion and Integrity Commission
- 2022: Guest Speaker on Healthy Relationships at Mt Kenya University ‘Mind & Beyond’ program for youth
- 2007-2008: Trauma counselor at Kirathimo in Limuru during Post Election Violence (PEV)
- 2008-Present: Consultant and Volunteer Rehabilitation Counselor, Asumbi Treatment Center (ATC) and Redhill Rehabilitation Center
- 2015 to date: Appointment as a staff Mentor at Kenyatta University
- 2013: Trauma Counselor in conjunction with Kenya Psychologists Association during Westgate attack in Nairobi, 2013.
- 2017 to date: Secretary, Anchor Welfare Association a community savings and welfare association that I founded.
- 2018: Mental Wellness and Awareness: Seminar presentation, Karura Community Chapel, Nairobi
- 2019, May 15: NTV Guest Speaker: Gender Based Violence; 2020: Thursday April 30th NTV Guest
- 2020: Speaker: Your World Program, Disaster Preparedness and Psychological wellbeing during the pandemic
- 2020: Newspaper articles:
- Eunice Githae: Mental Wellness during Quarantine and Lockdown, Daily Nation, Saturday March 21st 2020.
- Eunice Githae: Calming Anxiety in Children as the Pandemic Rewriting the rules, Saturday Nation May 23rd 2020.
Administrative Positions Held
- 2020 August: Chairperson, Psychology Department
- 2016-2020 July: Chairperson Board of Postgraduate Committee Department of Psychology
- 2015 to date: Lecturer, Psychology Department
- 2010-2014: Assistant Lecturer and Coordinator Counseling Programs, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU)
- 2010 – 2014: Examination Coordinator, Department of Counseling, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU)