Title:Dr |
Areas of Intrest
- Research, Training and Facilitation
- Visiting and helping the less fortunate in the community
- Guidance and Counseling for youth on education/career excellence
Research Done
- 2004: Effectiveness of rehabilitation programmes for street children and families in selected centres in Nairobi (for MEd.)
- 2014:Societal factors and behaviour maladjustment of the boy-child: a case of boys in selected rehabilitation institutions in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties, Kenya
Community Work
- Women Education Researchers Kenya (WERK) Member
- Counseling Consultant with ACK Education Secretary’s office (Embu)
- Prepares peer counseling and training manuals and also trains both the teachers and students on peer counseling.
- Society of Women and AIDS in Kenya (SWAK)- Member
- Counsels, trains and educates People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), the affected, and the care-givers.
- Empowers youth to acquire technical training and skills in Technical Training Institutes by getting them sponsorships.
Referred Journals
Mvungu, E. N., Sirera, A. M. & Mweru, M Societal Factors and Behaviour Maladjustment of the Boy-Child in Kenya, IOSR Journals