Ms. Hildah Mutwiri Name:Advoc. Hildah MutwiriDepartment: Public LawDesignation/Position:Tutorial FellowEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Contact Address: 43844-00100 NairobiDownload Full CV Achievements: Participated in the training of Integrity Assurance Officers held at the Kenya School of Government-Nairobi Campus from 10th -14th October 2015. Participated in the ODPP trial advocacy course held at the Kenya School of Government-Nairobi Campus from 4th May 2015 to 14th May 2015. Attained an award as the best student countrywide in CPS (Certified Public Secretary) course Section 2-taxation theory and practice unit. Participated in the Presidential Award Scheme up to gold level.