Selected Publications
(Translations of publications titles in German and in Polish into English in italics)
- Entwicklung des Völkerrechts durch internationale Gerichte und Sachverständigengremien (Development of Public International Law by International Courts and Expert Committees), Habilitation thesis, Berlin-Boston 2014, pp. 712
- Polnisches Staatsrecht - Polskie prawo konstytucyjne (Polish constitutional law), Grundriss des polnischen Rechts, Band 20, Warsaw 2009, pp. 215 (jointly with B. Banaszak)
- Rechtsprechung als Dialog. Zur Entwicklung des Rechts auf ein faires Strafverfahren in der polnischen Verfassungsrechtsprechung mit Blick auf die Entscheidungspraxis des EGMR und ausländischer Verfassungsgerichte (Case-law as a dialogue. On development of the right to a fair criminal trial in the Polish constitutional case law taking into account of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and foreign constitutional courts), PhD-Thesis, Berlin 2007, pp. 297.
Chapter in Books:
- Staatshaftung in Polen (Public Liability in Poland), [in:] Oliver Dörr, Staatshaftung in Europa (Public Liability in Europe), de Gruyter Verlag, pp. 465-507, Berlin-Boston 2013.
- Rechtsquellen des Völkerrechts (Sources of Public International Law), [in:] Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, Casebook des Völkerrechts, München 2005, pp. 71- 165.
Edited volumes:
- Agnieszka Bień-Kacała/Lóránt Csink/Tomasz Milej/Maciej Serowaniec (eds.), Liberal constitutionalism - between individual and collective interests, Torun 2017, pp. 277
- Bogusław Banaszak/Tomasz Milej/Carmen Schmidt (eds.), Verfassungsrechtsprechung in der Republik Polen. Dokumentation und Analyse grundlegender Entscheidungen des Polnischen Verfassungsgerichts 1995 – 2010 (Constitutional Justice in the Republic of Poland. Documentation and Analysis of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s leading cases), pp. 600, Institut für Ostrecht and Books on Demand 2014
- Ralf Alleweldt/Petja Dimitrova/Jeannine Drohla/Tomasz Milej (eds.), Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Europe Beyond the Union, Cracow 2004, pp. 523
Articles in edited volumes:
- Reclaiming African Agency: The Right to Regulate, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement and the “Africanisation” of International Investment Law, forthcoming [in:] R. Hofmann, J. Scheu, S. Schill, Ch. Tams (eds), Investment Protection, Human Rights, and International Arbitration in Extraordinary Times (Nomos, 2021), available at
- African and European legal regimes for intra-continental migration: Towards an Afro-European integration scheme, [in:] J. Laine, I. Moyo and Ch. Changwe Nshimbi (ed.) Expanding Boundaries: Borders, Mobilities and the future of Europe-Africa relations, Routledge 2020, pp. 103 – 118
- Legal Harmonisation in Regional Economic Communities – the case of the European Union, [in:] Hamudi I. Majamba/Richard F. Oppong/Ulrike Wanitzek/Johannes Döveling (eds.), Eastern African Common Legal Space in Economic Law: State of the Art and Future Perspectives, with Consideration of the European Experience, TGCL Series 5, LawAfrica 2018, pp. 139-153.
- Liberal democracy’s rocky path – the cases of Kenya and Tanzania, [in:] Agnieszka Bień-Kacała/Lóránt Csink/Tomasz Milej/Maciej Serowaniec (eds.), Liberal constitutionalism - between individual and collective interests, Torun 2017, pp. 39-73.
- Compatibility of freezing of terror suspects' assets with the EU fundamental rights in the recent case law of the ECJ and the General Court, [in:] Eduard Ivanov/Evgeny Salygin (eds.) International justice and countering international terrorism Moscow, 2012, May 13-16 Moscow 2013, pp. 115-127
- European Cohesion Policy: objectives, instruments and reality (jointly with Samir Felich), [in:] Timea Drinoczi/Mirela Zupan (eds.), Law – Regions – Development, (conference volume, conference in Pécs/Hungary, 2013, June 14-15) Pécs/Osijek 2013, pp. 15-33
- The Position of General Rules of Public International Law in the Polish Legal Order, [in:] Société Francaise pour le Droit International, Les Pratiques Comparées du Droit International en France et en Allemagne, Paris 2011, pp. 289-305
- Der uti possidetis-Grundsatz und seine Anwendung auf die Staatenzerfallsprozesse im ehemaligen Jugoslawien (The uti-possidetis principle and its application in the process of the collapse of the former state of Yugoslavia) [in:] Angelika Nußberger/Caroline von Gall (eds.), Bewusstes Erinnern und bewusstes Vergessen. Der juristische Umgang mit der Vergangenheit in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas, Tübingen 2011, pp. 111-131
- Polen und die polnische Verfassung angesichts der Integrationsherausforderungen (Poland and Polish Constitution in the face of integration challenges), [in:] Antal Ádám (ed.), Közjogi Intézmények a XXI. Században, Pécs 2004, p. 41-75 (jointly with Bogusław Banaszak i Agnieszka Malicka)
Articles in Journals:
- The right to privacy under the Constitution of Kenya and the criminalisation of consensual sex between same sex adults (jointly with Nicole Treyson Koske), African Human Rights Law Journal 2021, vol. 1, pp. 417-440.
- International Public Policy, Corruption and Investor to State Arbitration (jointly with Caroline Kago, Fidel Mwaki and Saweria Mwangi), Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 2020 vol. 1, pp. 122-140.
- Legal Framework for Free Movement of People Within Africa – A View from the East African Community (EAC), Heidelberg Journal of International Law – Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 2019, pp. 935-970.
- Assessment of Kenya’s constitutional framework as a driver for implementation of EAC legislation (jointly with Winnie Cheserem), The African Review 2018, vol. 45(2) – Special Issue, pp. 115-153.
- Human Rights protection by international courts – What role for the East African Court of Justice?, African Journal of International and Comparative Law 2018 vol. 1, pp. 108-129
- Striking the Right Balance between the Interests of the Foreign Investors and the Host State – a Case Study of the Tanzania-Germany BIT 50 Years after Its Conclusion, African Journal of International and Comparative Law 2017 vol. 1, pp. 1-19
- What is wrong about supranational laws? The sources of East African Community law in light of the EU’s experience, 75 Heidelberg Journal of International Law – Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 3/2015, pp. 579-617
- Der Kernbestand der Rechte eines Unionbürgers in der neueren Rechtsprechung des EuGH – Potential und Grenzen des Konzepts, Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter (BayVBl.) 2015, pp. 361-366
- Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Unterscheidung nach dem Merkmal der Staatsangehörigkeit im Bereich der gewährenden Staatstätigkeit (The constitutionality of the nationality-based distinctions in the area of state benefits administration), Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2013, pp. 687-692
- Dyskryminacja rasowa w służbie pokoju? Orzeczenie ETPCz w sprawie Sejdić i Finci jako przyczynek do reformy konstytucyjnej w Bośni i Hercegowinie (The racial discrimination in the service of peace? The ECHR’s Sejdic and Finci case as a starting point for a constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina), Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego 2012/1, pp. 179-199
- Zur Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Umsetzung des Gemeinschaftsrechts durch dynamische Verweisungen und Rechtsverordnungen (On the constitutionality of [European] Community law by dynamic reference clauses and governmental regulations), Europarecht 4/2009, pp. 563-577
- Von Kudla bis Scordino. Die polnischen Rechtsbehelfe gegen die Verletzung des Rechts auf ein faires Verfahren innerhalb angemessener Frist in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive (From Kudla to Scordino. The Polish remedies against violations of the right to a trial within a reasonable time in a comparative perspective), Osteuropa-Recht 2006, pp. 337-363
- Erozja kompetencji parlamentów narodowych wskutek integracji europejskiej i próby jej przeciwdziałaniu na przykładzie parlamentu Republiki Federalnej Niemiec (The erosion of power of the national parliaments as a result of the European integration and efforts to counter-balance it: The German experience) Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Studies in Law and Economics 2005, vol. LXXII, pp. 21-53 (jointly with Jasmin Schlenzka)
- Gemeinschaftsrecht vor dem polnischen Richter (Community Law and the Polish judge), Osteuropa-Recht 2004, pp. 418-435
Internet publications/Blog articles:
- Slaughtering Kenyan Public Universities with a Blunt Knife: The New IMF Loan Conditionalities, blog article on, 2021
- A Venue or a Decision Maker? The Constitutional Function of African Regional Courts, blog article (book symposium) on, 2021
- Pandemic, Solidarity and the Foundations of International Law, blog article on, 2020
- East African Court of Justice: a midwife of the political federation? The new case-law on the remedies awarded by the Court, peer reviewed blog article on, 2019
- Ethnicity Issues in Lithuanian-Polish Relationships (eds. jointly with Vaidotas A. Vaicaitis and Samir Felich), internet publication by the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, 2013šimų-rinkinys.pdf
- Human and Minority Rights in Violent Ethnic Conflict. Report compiled in the frame of the FP 6 project (European Union) “Human and Minority Rights in the Life Cycle of Ethnic Conflicts”, internet publication by the European Academy in Bolzano, Italy (EURAC), 2007, pp. 50 (jointly with Nina Baltic):
Case-law comments:
- European Court of Human Rights, judgment of 30.10.2012 (P. and S. vs. Polen), Osteuropa-Recht 2012, pp. 116-119
- Polish Highest Court, judgment of 29.10.2010 (Winicjusz Natoniewski – Immunities of states), Osteuropa-Recht 2011, pp. 104-107
- European Court of Human Rights, judgment of 16.7.2009 (Wojtas-Kaleta vs. Poland), Osteuropa-Recht 2009, pp. 428-429
- European Court of Human Rights, judgment of 20.3.2007 (Alicja Tysiąc vs. Poland), Osteuropa-Recht 2007, pp. 360-363
Book reviews:
- Decheva, Maria, Europäisierung des bulgarischen Verfassungsrechts infolge des EU-Beitritts. Eine Untersuchung im Lichte der deutschen Erfahrungen, Baden-Baden 2010, Osteuropa-Recht 2012, pp. 73-76
- Helen Keller, Daniela Thurnherr, Taking International Law Seriously. A European Perspective on the U.S. Attitude Towards International Law, Bern 2005, Osteuropa-Recht 2006, pp. 418-421
- Christophe Hillion (ed.), EU-Enlargement: A Legal Approach, Oxford 2004, Osteuropa-Recht 2005, pp. 421-422
- Xavier Boissy, Séparation des pouvoirs: oeuvre jurisprudentielle. Sur la construction de l'Etat de droit postcommuniste. Préface de Slobodan Milacic, Bruxelles 2003, Osteuropa-Recht 2005, pp. 264-266.
- George Bermann/Katharina Pistor (eds.): Law and Governance in an Enlarged European Union. Essays in European Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon 2004, Osteuropa-Recht 2005, pp. 263-264.