Name: Hannah Muthoni Macharia
Area of Specialization
- Peace and Conflict Management
- Refugee and Forced Migration
- Security and Strategic Studies
- Communal Conflicts
Research Interests
- Political Economy of Africa
- Border Identities in the Horn of Africa
- Youth and Women in Conflict and Peace
- Trans-boundary resources
- Communal Conflicts among Pastoralist communities
Journal and Book Chapters:
- Macharia, H. (2016). ‘Impacts of Military Exercises and Operations on Local Environment’ Journal of Technology and Entrepreneurship in Africa, Vol.7, No.2, pp.140-152
- ‘Macharia, H. (2014). ‘The Role of Youth and Women in Peace and Conflicts in Kenya’ in Munene M and Sharamo R (eds.) 2014, ‘The Study and Practice of Peace and Security in Africa: Focus on Eastern and Western Africa’, pp.80-88 (A UNDP Book Publication).
- Macharia H., & Ahmed F. (Summer 2013). Women, Youth and the Egyptian Arab Spring’, Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 25, Number 3, pp.359-366
- Macharia, H., & Ahmed F., (2011). ‘Promoting a Culture of Peace and peace building through Peace media: A Case Study of the Great Lakes region’ in Ahmed F (eds.) Communications for Peace in Action: Journalisms, Conflicts, Media Literacy and Alliance for Civilization, (2011), pp.159-173, ISBN- 978-84-8021-8221
- ‘Macharia H. (2011). Youth and Conflict: A Comparative study of Mungiki in Kenya and Al-Shabaab in Somalia’, Journal of Technology and Entrepreneurship in Africa, Vol.13, No.1, pp.156-180, ISSN 1998-1279
- ‘Macharia, H. (September, 2005). ‘The contributions of Child Soldiers to the unending wars in Africa’ (Los Ninos contribucion en las guerras fin semana en Africa’, Journal of Pueblos de Africa, No.8, pp. 33-35, ISSN 1577-4376
- Co-Authoring – Macharia H., & Mwangi T., (Submitted Abstract) – An Analysis of Gender Perspective of Countering Violent Extremism: A Kenyan Perpsective, (A Chapter in a Proposed Book on Gender Perpsective in Countering Violent Extremism by Bristol University)
- Co-Authoring – Mkutu A., & Macharia, H., -(Self- Funded)- Indigenous Security Systems and Mega-Development Projects among Samburu community: Samburu County, Kenya (2019 to date)
- Author – Macharia, H. (April -on-going)Implications of Border Identities on the Management of Communal Conflicts, Case of Garissa County, Kenya (Partnership between Uppsala University, Sweden and Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya)
- Co-Author: Macharia, H., & L. Hamasi, (April On-going). ‘Water Conflicts and Community Interventions in Isiolo County, Kenya, (Partnership between Uppsala University, Sweden and Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya)
- Contextualizing Human Security: Peace and Security Agenda for Kenya (A Paper Presented during an On-line Symposium on International Day of Peace on ‘Working Together for Peace: Human Security Approach’, Organized by Interlink of Peace and Human Security Organization, 21st September, 2020)
- Border Identities and Management of Communal Conflicts in Garissa County, Kenya,(A Paper presenting during An International On-line Workshop on “Community-based Responses to violent conflict: Actors and strategies, (Partnership between Uppsala University, Sweden and Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya)-
- ” 26-27 May 2020)
- ‘Dynamics of Internal Security and Implications on local communities: Case of Laikipia County, Kenya (A paper presented during a Seminar on Mega-Development Projects and Land-Use Transformation in Eastern Africa: Implications for Local Communities, Organized Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS, United State International University-Africa (USIU-A. 22nd February, 2019)
- ‘The Socio-Economic History of Kenya’ (A paper presented during Public lectures towards celebrating Kenya’s Fifty Years since Independence, Goethe Institute, Nairobi 23rd May- 11th July, 2012)
- ‘Youth and the New state of Republic of South Sudan’ ( A paper presented Roundtable on Essentials of State-Building and Consolidation of Peace in the Republic of South Sudan (RoSS), Mombasa Continental Hotel, 26th – 28th April, 2012)
- ‘The importance of Peace Education to the Republic of South Sudan’ (A paper presented during the Induction workshop for the South Sudan diplomats, Mombasa Continental Hotel, 6th- 30th April, 2012)
- ‘The Impact of Military Exercises and Operations on Local Environment’ (A paper presented during a Colloquium on Climate Change, Environment and Conflicts in Africa, Travellers Beach Hotel, 4th to 7th December, 2011)
- ‘Defining the Al-Shabaab’ (A paper presented during a series of talks organized by Department of External Studies for Journalist studies from Norway and USIU, 10-21st November, 2011)
- ‘The Impact of Global Political and Economic Trends on Environment: European and America Perspective’ (A paper presented during the Roundtable Workshop on ‘Environment and Foreign Policy’ organized by Institute of Security Studies and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 13th – 14th August, 2010)
- ‘Developing Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Thuthuzela Care Centres for the Prevention of Violence against Women and Children’ (A paper presented during the Anti-rape Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, (2006)
- ‘The Forgotten Conflicts in Africa: The Case of Sudan” (A paper presented during Cultural Week, Universidad Jaume I, Spain (2005)
- ‘Language, Culture and Education in Kenya’ (A Paper High Schools Students Conference on celebrating cultures organized by the Language department in Univeridad Jaume I, 8th -10th December, 2004)
- Kenya Television Network, Kenya (22 January 2021): Kapedo Violence on KTN at 1PM:
- Citizen Television, Kenya (26 January 2021): Panel Discussion on Kapedo Crisis during Citizen Morning Show (Day Break) from 6.30 AM – 8.00AM -
- Nation Television, Kenya (25 March 2021): Closure of Kakuma and Daadab Refugee Camps, NTV News at 9PM-