Title/Qualifications: Ph. D |
Major Areas of Interest
- Ageing and social gerontology: old age economic insecurity, social protection for the vulnerable older adults, health care policy and access, palliative care for older adults, elder abuse and rights of the older adults in developing countries
- Quantitative and scientific data analyses employing a range of statistical software applications e.g., SAS, SPSS, R, MS Excel
- Quantitative research methodology.
- Mbuthia, K. W., Mwangi, S.M., & Owino, G. E. (2023). Gender differences in the association between received social support and satisfaction with life. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 1106–1111. doi: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.3.0935
Mbuthia, K., Mwangi, S.M, & Owino, G. (2022). Implications of providing social support to close network members on the social well-being of older persons in Kitui County, Kenya. Frontiers in Aging, 120, 1 – 12. - Mbuthia, K. W., Mwangi, S. M. and Owino, G. E. Closeness as a mediator in providing and receiving social support on the social well-being of older persons in Kitui County, Kenya. Geriatric Care.
- Chesang, C., Mwangi, S. M. and Moloo P. (2021). Socio-economic dynamics of intra-familial elder abuse in Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Current Aspects, 5, 4, 1- 19.
- Kathurima, E.M. Keraka, M and Mwangi, S.M. (2021). Practice of female genital mutilation among women in Kajiado County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 12, 7, 1 -21.
- Mmbaya, F.K., Waudo, J., Mwangi, S.M., & Ngetich, F.E. (2020). Nutrition knowledge and consumption of sugar sweetened beverages among high school students in Kenya. Journal of Public Health Nutrition, 3(1), 212-216.
- Kimani, F. W., Cademartiri, Liu, X., Mwangi, S. M., and Thuo, M. M. (2018). Global Increase in Development of Low-Cost Rapid Diagnostic Devices in the Developing World: The Kenyan Case. PLOS ONE Medicine.
- Mwangi, S., Mugenda, O. M., and Maina, L. (2016). Retirement Life in Kenya: Experiences of Retirees Receiving Lumpsum Pension Benefits
- Mugenda, O.M., Maina, L.W., Kimani, E., Nawiri, M.P., Wamburu, M. W. & Mwangi, S.M. (2014). Risks and opportunities associated with paying lumpsum benefits to retirees in Kenya: implications for income security. Research Report submitted to Retirement Benefits Authority.
- Muia, D., Maina, L. and Mwangi, S. (2013) Changing Intergenerational relationships and their implications on family functioning in Africa. International Journal of Research and Education. Vol 1. No. 10. October 2013.
- Mwangi, S.M., Gachanja, P.M., Mugenda, O. L, & Karagu, N. M. , 2013, Potential for Positive Socio-Economic Transformation through Rural Industrialization: Evidence from Magana Industrial Park in Kenya., International Journal of Research and Education, 8, 1 -17.
- Daniel M. Muia, Lucy W. Maina And Samuel M. Mwangi, 2013, Changing Intergenerational Relationships and their Implications on Family Structure and Functioning in Africa, International Journal of Education and Research
Vol. 1 No. 10 October 2013 - Mwangi, S. M., Yamashita, T., Ewen, H. H. & Kunkel, S. K., 2012 Globalizing gerontology education: current practices and perceptions in U.S. graduate gerontology programs., Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 33, 198–217.
- Mwangi, S. M., 2009, International Non-Governmental Organizations working in the field of ageing. In E. Palmore, F. Whittington, & S. Kunkel (Eds.)., International Handbook on Aging 3rd Ed. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Book Chapters:
- Maina, L.W., Kathuri-Ogolla, L.N., & Mwangi, S. M. (Forthcoming). Interventions for Incomes and Livelihoods among Older Persons in Kenya: An Analysis of Milestones and Gaps in Social Protection Policies. In M.K. Shandarkass & (Eds), Handbook on Contemporary Ageing Issues.
- Mwangi, S.M. (2023). Social Policy Landscape in Kenya. In J. Omona (Ed.). Gender-Equitable and Transformative Social Policies for Post COVID-19 Africa Mapping the Social Policy Landscape in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. Cambridge, UK. Ethics Press.
- Omona, J., Mwangi, S.M. Mwaipopo, R. & Rutikanga, C. (2023). Introduction, Conceptual Issues, and Methodologies. In J. Omona (Ed.). Gender-Equitable and Transformative Social Policies for Post COVID-19 Africa Mapping the Social Policy Landscape in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda.
Cambridge, UK. Ethics Press. - Mwangi, S.M. Mutwiri, C.M. Ageing in Eastern and Central Africa in the two decades of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing: Implications for the future. In M. Formosa & M. K. Shankardass (Eds.) The United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing: Global Perspectives. Milton Park, Oxfordshire, England: Routledge
- Mwangi, S. M. (2019). Social and economic support for rural elders in Kenya. In Kunkel, S., de Medeiros, K.S., and Whittington, Global Ageing: Comparative perspectives on aging and the life course, 2nd Ed. Thousands Oak, CA: Springer Publishing.
- Mwangi, S.M. (2014). Social support systems for rural older adults in Kenya. In Kunkel, S., Brown, J.S., and Whittington, F., pp. 250 – 254, Global Ageing: Comparative perspectives on aging and the life course. Thousands Oak, CA: Springer Publishing.
- Mwangi, S. M. (2009). International Non-Governmental Organizations working in the field of ageing. In E. Palmore, F. Whittington, & S. Kunkel (Eds.). International Handbook on Aging 3rd Ed. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
- Mwangi, S. M. (2009). Kenya. In E. Palmore, F. Whittington, & S. Kunkel (Eds.). International Handbook on Aging 3rd Ed. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Work in Progress:
- Muli, R. M & Mwangi, S. M. Experiences and predisposing factors for elder abuse in Kenya (Status: revised and resubmitted to Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect)
- Mwangi, S.M., Muia, D.M., and Maina, L.W. A community-level assessment of social protection as a response to vulnerabilities among older persons in Kenya. (proposal submitted for funding)
- Mwangi, S. M. & Kunkel, S. What are the salient factors associated with development of palliative care across the world? (draft completed).
Funded Research:
- Baseline Survey on Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts Associated with Development of Access Roads in Informal Urban Settlement in Nairobi County funded jointly by Kenyatta University and Kenya Urban Roads Authority. Ksh.4,500,000
- Gender Equitable and Transformative Social Policy: Mapping the Social Policy Landscape in Kenya since Colonial Era to Date (2021). US$11,250.
- Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) (2019). Two research projects: Extending Pension Coverage to Informal Sector Workers; and Segmentation of Pension Benefits in Kenya. Funding organization: RBA. Amount: Ksh. 5,255,813 (Informal Sector Workers) and Ksh. 5,133,134 (Segmentation). Role: Co-Investigator.
- Kenyatta University Vice-Chancellor’s Research Grant. (2017). An assessment of the production of social science research by universities and its utilization by policy makers and practitioners in Kenya. Amount: Ksh. 1,500,000. Role: Co-Investigator.
- Iowa University Endowment Grant. (2015). Rapid diagnostic tests acceptance and usage by health care professionals in Kenya. Amount: US$10,000. Role: Co-Investigator.
- Kenyatta University Vice-Chancellor’s Research Grant. (2012). Multi-Dimensional Impacts of A Rural Industrial Park: The Case Of Magana Town, Kiambu County. Amount: Ksh. 2,507,600. Role: Co-Investigator.
Conference Presentations
Mwangi, S.M. (2023). Setting up a Professional Association for Gerontology and Geriatrics: Kenya’s Milestones, Opportunities, Challenges, and Way Forward at Ageing and Health of Older Persons in Sub-Saharan African held at Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda on 20th to
23rd, February, 2023. -
Mwangi, S.M. (2022). International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – 3rd African Regional Congress at Iberrostart Averros Hotel, Hammamat, Tunisia from 3rd to 5th November, 2022.
Mwangi, S.M. & Mutwiri, C.M. 2022. Gender Equitable Social Policies to Promote Equal Access to Education in Kenya since independence presented at the 8th Virtual International Conference on Education and Lifelong Learning Kenyatta University Nairobi Kenya held on 6th – 7th October,2022.
Omona, J., Mwangi, S.M., Rutikanga, C. and Mwaipopo, R. 2022. Gender Equitable and Transformative Social Policies for Post COVID-19 Africa: Mapping the Social Policy Landscape in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda presented at GETSPA Annual Conference at the University of Ghana, Accra, Legion, Ghana on 23rd– 25th August, 2022.
Gitau, J.W., Mwangi, S.M., and Maina, L.W. 2022. Perceptions, Perspectives and Experiences of Emotional Elder Abuse among Older Persons in Kenya during International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Online Congress on 12 – 16th June, 2022.
M. Meyer, Ed Rosenberg, Bei Wu, Suzanne Kunkel, Samuel Mwangi, Ryo Takahashi, and Marja Aartsen.2009. What does it Mean to be a Gerontology Educator?” at AGHE Annual Meetings in San Antonio, TX.
Mwangi, S. M. & Baker, H. E. 2009. “Family comments on nursing homes: A longitudinal analysis of four waves of family satisfaction data.” at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
Liang, J. & Mwangi, S. M. 2009. “What Now?: International Students' Perspectives on Culture in the Gerontology Classroom.” at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Mwangi, S. M. 2010. ‘Palliative care around the world: frameworks country’s specific regulatory mechanisms” at Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education (OAGE)
Mwangi, S. M. 2010. Palliative care around the world: guiding frameworks for palliative care standards.” at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Mwangi, S. M., Yamashita, T., Ewen, H. H., Manning, L. K., & Kunkel, S. R. (2011). “What Does Globalization of Gerontology Education Mean?: Current Practices and Perceptions for Graduate Gerontology Education in the United States” at AGHE Annual Meetings in Cincinnati, OH.
Mwangi, S. M., Yamashita, T., Ewen, H. H., Kunkel, S. R. & Manning, L. K., (2011). “Globalizing Gerontology Education: what does it mean to the US Graduate Gerontology Program” at OAGE, Columbus, OH.
Mwangi, S. M. 2011 “Public health approach for palliative care” at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Mugenda, O. M., Maina, L. W., & Mwangi, S. M. 2012 “Perceived Quality of Life among Older Persons in Kenya: Implications for Old Age Policy” at First IAGG African Regional Conference on Ageing, Cape Town, South Africa.
Mwangi, S. M. 2012 “Salient factors associated with growth of palliative care around the world” at First IAGG African Regional Conference on Ageing, Cape Town, South Africa.
Mwangi, S. M., and Maina, L. W. 2013. “Family-related factors correlating with quality of life in kenya” at Families and Ageing Workshop at North-West University Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa.
Maina, L.W. & Mwangi, S.M. (2017). Experiences of Retirement Life among retirees under Pension Schemes Coverage in Kenya. Presented at International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) 21st World Congress at San Francisco, California, USA.
Maina, L., Mwangi, S.M., Kathuri, L., Wanjau, R and Kimani, E. (2017). Family-centered Long- Term Care for Older persons in Kenya: patterns, adequacy, impact, challenges and Implication on Policy. Presented at IAGG 2nd African Conference Progress at African Population and Health Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya.