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Articles in Refereed Journals:
- An Assessment of conditions requisite for learning Kiswahili Language by Learners with hearing impairement in Mumias Primary School for the deaf in Kakamega County. ISBN 2351-8014, volume 11,, no. 1, 1 Oct. 2014, pp. 8-18. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research.`
- Review of ‘Miale ya Uzalendo’ in Chemichemi Internal journal of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, volume 3, no.1, 2006, ISBN 1563 – 1028, Kenyatta university.
- “Language and Kiswahili free-Verse: Types of Challenges and the Way Forward”, in Disparities in Developing Countries: Types, Changes and the Way Forward Vol. 1, 2004. ISBN 9966-9969-18, Nairobi, Kenya.
- “Language and Transition Politics in Kenya”, pp 150-155 in The Independent Review, Vol. 2 No. 2 of 2002. ISSN, Nairobi, Kenya.
- “The Evolution and Development of a Civic Education Discourse in the East African Region”, pp 141 – 149 in the Independent Review, Vol, 2. No. 2 of 2002 ISSN, Nairobi, Kenya.
Published Books
- Ufundishaji wa Ushairi katika Shule za Upili wa Vyuo, (2007), Taaluma Publishers, Eldoret, Kenya: ISBN 9966-7050 – 66.
- Mawanda ya ISIMU-Jamii (2007) Taaluma Publishers, Eldoret, Kenya. ISBN 9966-7050-4-X.
- Swahili Poetry (2006). A Module for the Institute of Open Learning. Kenyatta University.
- Taaluma ya Utafiti, Longhorn (Forthcoming).
Book Chapter
- 2011: Kadhia ya Sikujua katika Mwavyaji wa Roho na Hadithi Nyingine. Leonard Sanja (Mhariri). Focus Publications, ISBN: 9966-01-157-9, Nairobi, Kenya.