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Papers Presented
- “Uhistoria mpya na utafiti wa ushairi wa Kiswahili, Pwani University- December 10th- 13th 2014. Theme: Researching African Literatures in the 21st Century.
- “Masuala-nyeti katika ushairi wa Kisawhili, RISSEA, December 17th-19th , 2014,Mombasa. Theme: Back to the basics.
- “Tishio la Teknolojia mpya kwa fasihi simulizi, RISSEA, December 17th-19th 2014, Mombasa.Theme: Back to the basics.
- “Language Culture and Identity: A case of Lubukusu and Bukusu Circumcision ceremony.” An International Conference on African Languages and Literatures in the 21st Century, August 6th-8th 2014, Kenyatta University.
- “ Kiswahili na Utandawazi” CHAKITA conference, October 23rd-24th 2014, Kenya Institute of Cirriculum Development.
- “Usawiri wa Ukimwi katika Ua la Faraja na Kala Tufahu (Bontana Hotel, Nakuru), 14th October 2011.
- “Ubunifu katika Ushairi-huru” presented at Goethe Institute during the Seminar of Wataalamu wa Ushairi, Sept. 2010.
- “Ushairi-huru na Swala la Uhakiki aktika Taaluma ya Ushairi wa Kiswahili”. Presented during the CHAKAMA Conference (14th – 16th October) 2009, Kampala, Uganda.
- “Kiswahili katika Ukuzaji wa Demokrasia na Uhuru wa Kibinafsi Nchini Kenya”. Presented during the CHAKAMA Conference (14th – 16th October 2009), Kampala, Uganda.
- “Kiswahili katika Ujenzi wa Utaifa na Utangamano”. Presented during the CHAKITA Conference (6th – 8tth August), 2008, Mombasa, Kenya.
- “Ufundishaji wa Ushairi katika Shule za Upili”. Presented during the Kiswahili Teachers Seminar, (6th – 9th February, 2006), Mombasa, Kenya.
- “Language, Literature and Development in Africa: A Case of Kiswahili Poetry in East Africa”. Presented at the ATWS Conference (14th – 15th September, 2004), Baraton University.
- “Fasihi Simulizi na Utamaduni: Sherehe ya ‘Khuswala Kumuse’ (Matanga) Miongoni mwa Wabukusu”. Presented during CHAKITA Semina (29th September – 2nd October 2004).
- “Ushairi, Utahini na Urekebishaji wa Mitaala katika Shule za Upili”. Presented during the Kiswahili National Conference 27th – 28th February, 2004) at Kenyatta University.
- Language and Swahili Free-Verse: Disparities, Implications and the Way Forward”. Presented during the ATWS Conference (17th – 19th September, 2003) at Kenyatta University.
- “Ushairi wa Kiswahili: Maendeleo na Mabadiliko ya Maudhui”. Presented during the Kenyatta University Postgraduate Seminar (October, 13th – 16th 2003).
- “Ushairi wa E. Kezilahabi: Maswala ya Uongozi”. Presented during the Departmental Seminar (2nd April, 2001), Kenyatta University.
- “Kiswahili na Demokrasia Nchini Kenya”. Presented during the Laikipia International Conference (2nd – 6th October, 2001), Nyahururu.
- “Uteuzi wa Inkishafi: Kiezo cha Historia”. Presented during the Departmental Seminar (22nd November, 2000), Kenyatta University.
- “Ushairi wa Kiswahili: Maendeleo ya Maudhui na Muundo 1967 – 1996”. Presented during Departmental Seminar (May, 1996), Kenyatta University.
- “The National Language Situation: the Case of Kiswahili”. Presented during Departmental Seminar, (May 1996), Kenyatta University.
- “Bukusu Circumcision Rituals: A Sociolinguistic Approach”. Presented during Departmental Seminar (May 1995), Kenyatta University.