Conference/Workshops Attended
- 2014:An Intternational Conference on Embracing African Languages in the 21st Century, August 6th-8th 2014 at Kenyatta University. Theme: From Asmara 2000 to Nairobi 2014.
- 2014:CHAKITA International Conference at the Institute of Curriculum Development, October 23rd-24th 2014,Nairobi. Theme: Kiswahili and Globalization.
- 2014:An International Conference at Pwani University, December 11th-13th 2014, Kilifi.Theme: Researching African Literatures in the 21st Century.
- 2014:An International Conference at the Research Institute of Swahili studies, December 17th-19th 2014. Mombasa, Theme: Back to the basics.
- 2014:An International Conference of Chama Cha Kiswahili Afrika Mashariki{CHAKAMA}
- 2012: Kongamano la Chama cha Kiswahili cha Kitaifa (CHAKITA), Agosti 2012.
- 2012: Kongamano la The 2nd Research Institute of Swahili Studies of Eastern Africa (RISSEA) Swahili International Conference, National Museums Of Kenya, Mombasa.
- 2012: Kongamano la CHAKIKE juu ya Kiswahili na maendeleo ya kiuchumi nchini Kenya katika Chuo kikuu cha Kenyatta mnamo tarehe 9/03/2012.
- 2012: A strategic planning workshop on traininig secondary school management held at Bungoma Tourist Hotel between 16th - 20th April 2012
- 2011: A Conference on “Kiswahili na Maendeleo ya Jamii organized by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika Mashariki, (CHAKAMA), Hotel Bontana, Nakuru, Kenya, 13th – 15th Oct.
- 2011: Workshop for School Managers organized by the Ministry of Educaiton, 7th July, at St. Luke’s Kimilili Boys High School.
- 2010: A Seminar of Wataalamu wa Mashairi on “Hali ya Ushairi wa Kiswahili wa Kiswahili: Jana na Leo” at Goethe Institute, Nairobi.
- 2009: A Seminar whose theme was “The Role of Universities in the Realization of Kenya’s Vision 2030 held on 24th – 25th November.
- 2009: Chama cha Kiswahili Afrika Mashariki Conference held in Kampala Uganda (14th – 16th October 2009) whose main theme was “Kiswahili na Maendeleo”.
- 2009: A Seminar on “Research” organized by the Centre for Research (13th February) at Kenyatta University Conference Centre.