Referred Journals
- Otieno, P. (2009) Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Disability: Implications on the Rights of Persons with Disability in Kenya, Vol. 29, No. 4.
- Otieno, P(2002).Issues Affecting Disabled Women in Kenya in Getui M and Anyanga H. Conflicts in Africa: A Women Response, Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, Kenya Chapter, Nairobi
- Otieno P. (2001) Interpreting the Book of Psalms in the Coptic Orthodox Church in Kenya, in Getui M, Holter K (et al) Interpreting the Old Testament in Africa: Papers from the International Symposium on Africa and the Old Testament in Nairobi, October 1999, Peter Lang Publishing.
Books and Books Chapters
- Otieno, P(2002).Issues Affecting Disabled Women in Kenya in Getui M and Anyanga H. in Conflicts in Africa: A Women Response, Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, Kenya Chapter, Nairobi
- Otieno P. (2001) Interpreting the Book of Psalms in the Coptic Orthodox Church in Kenya, in Getui M, Holter K (et al) Interpreting the Old Testament in Africa: Papers from the International Symposium on Africa and the Old Testament in Nairobi, October 1999, Peter Lang Publishing
- ARE 302: The Church in Africa, Blended Module, Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning, Kenyatta University.
- ARE 401: Christian Response to Contemporary Issues, Blended Module, Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning, Kenyatta University.
- ARE 451: Muslim Response to Contemporary Issues, Blended Module, Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning, Kenyatta University.
Conferenced/Workshops/Seminars Attended
Conferences Attended
- International Symposium on Africa and the Old Testament in Nairobi, October 1999.
- Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians, Resurrection Gardens, July 1998.
- The Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians Kenyan Chapter Kenyatta University March 2000.
- Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians Dimesse Centre Karen 2000.
- Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians, EATWOT Kenyan Chapter August 2003, Karen. Paper presented “Building a Democratic Society: The Role of the church in the Politics of Transition in Kenya”.
- Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians, (EATWOT) Kenya Chapter August 2004, Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya.