Title/Qualifications: Associate Prof./B.Ed (Arts); MA, Ph.D |
Refereed Journals
- 2015; The Catholic Church and Schools In Kenya: A Historical Perspective on Education for Holistic Development, Part II, International Journal of African Catholicism, Fall 2015, and Vol. 8. (3) (With Beatrice W. Churu)
- 2014; “The Circle of Concerned African Women “Theologians and their Engagement in Public Theology in Journal of the Center for Women Studies University of Nairobi, Vol.1
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2012, “Concept of Basic Human Rights in African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa and Jesus is Alive Ministries”, Journal of World Christianity vol. 5 no. 1 2012, pp 9-42
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2012, “African Christianity and Culture: The Role of Women in the Church”, International Journal of African Catholicism, Winter-www.saintleo/IJAC.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2010, “Regional Theological Associations and Theological Curriculum Development in East Africa: Challenges and Prospects”, Missionalia Vol. 38 (2) pp 248-258
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2009, “Human Identity and the Gospel of Reconciliation, Agenda for Mission Studies and Praxis in the 21st Century: An African Perspective,” Mission Studies Vol. 26, (1) pp. 17-30.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2009, “Stigmatization and Discrimination of HIV/AIDS Women in Kenya: A Violation of Human Rights and its Theological Implications,” Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research, Vol. 37 No.1, pp35-51.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2007, “Integrity of Mission in the Light of the Gospel: Bearing Witness of the Spirit among Africa’s Gospel Bearers”, Mission Studies Vol.24, No.2, pp 189-212.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2006, “The Anthropological Dimension of a Patient’s Treatment: a Response to Prof. Bernard Ugeux.” International Review of Mission Vol. 95 Nos. 376/377 2006 pp36-14.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2005, “A Spirituality of Resistance and Hope: African Instituted Churches’ Response to Poverty” Orita Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies Vol. XXXVII June and December, 2005 pp 65-83.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2005, “Towards a Theology of Hope from a Holistic Perspective through Interfaith Dialogue: A Challenge for the Church in Africa.” Voices from the Third world Vol. XXVIII (2) December 2005 pp 153-168.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2005, “Proliferation of New Religious Movements in Africa: A Challenge to Ecumenism,” Revitalizing Theological Thinking in Africa: The Ecumenical Movement at a Crossroad. Africa Challenge All Africa Journal of Theology March Vol. (1) pp
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2004 , “Unsung Bearers of the Good News, Journal of African Christian Thought”, Vol. 7 (1) June 2004 pp 38-44.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2004, “Branded vit let vuurgerukt” Her verhaal van Margaret Wanjiru”, Wereld En Zending 33, (4) December, pp 35-49
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2004, “Abortion: A Religious Perspective.” Orisun Journal of Religion and human values,” Vol.2 &3, 2003/2004. Pp 156-182.
- Philomena Njeri Mwaura, 2003, “A History of the Akurinu Churches with Particular Reference to the Holy Ghost Church of East Africa,” Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae vol. 29 (2) December. Pp 156-182.
- 2018 (ongoing) Religion, Spirituality and Power in Kenya and Uganda.
- 2016; Patterns of Urban Christianity in East Africa, Nairobi: Acton Publishers (Ed with Steven O’Malley).
- Philomena N. Mwaura, T. M. Hinga, A. Kubai and H. Ayanga (eds) 2008. HIV/AIDS, Women and Religion in Africa: Ethical and Theological Responses, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications. ISBN 978 1875053 698
- Philomena N. Mwaura and Nahashon W. Ndung’u (eds.) 2005Challenges and Prospects for the Church in Africa in the 21st Century. Nairobi; Pauline’s Publishing house. ISBN 9966081046
- Philomena N. Mwaura and Lilian D. Chirairo (eds.) 2005,Theology in the Context of Globalization: African Women’s Response. Nairobi, EATWOT. ISBN 9789966981653